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***Lillith's POV**

I was sitting in the stands with the rest of the school watching the first task. The champions where facing the dragons and it was amazing to watch. Everyone cheered on Harry when he walked into the arena, he looked terrified. I watched has he handled the dragon well but it go out of the arena. It looked straight at me and didn't move for a split second. I watched the dragon and it watched me. It then started to fly my way and my first instinct was to get my wand. I pointed it at it and...

I woke up all sweaty and hot. Why is it that every time I would have a vision I would wake up all gross. I got that note book and wrote down what I saw. The first task was going to go wrong for Harry and that was bad.

I looked over at the time and saw it was four in the morning so It was no use going back to bed. I took a blanket with me and went down to the common room. I saw Harry sitting on the couch so I went to sit with him.

  "Can't sleep?" I asked

  "No" he answered

  "Nervous for your first task today?" I asked

  "Very! I hope it will go well!" He said very nervously

I knew I had to tell him about my vision and how the dragon would get out and this would go wrong with seeing that Harry already couldn't sleep and was already nervous enough I decided to keep my mouth shut and tell him later. Harry and I sat quietly all morning until others started to wake up. I was exhausted but I wasn't at the same time. I went to get dressed and went to the great hall to get some breakfast. Not many people where awake, there were only a few people in the great hall. I ate alone has I looked around at the tired students. Once done eating, I still had a couple of hours to spare until the first task started so I made my way to the library to catch up on some reading.

I walked in and saw I was the only one there. Perfect, I loved being alone in the library. I went to find some advanced book of spells to catch up on some work and get an advance on my school stuff. I went to sit down at my usual table and started to read. After a while of reading, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Cedric Diggory.

  "Huh, excuse me but I've been looking for that book everywhere. I've been searching spells books to help me with the first task all morning" He told me pointing at the book I was reading.

  "Oh, huh sure" I replied has I closed the book and gave it to him.

He flashed me a smile and started to walk away but soon stopped in his tracks to look back at me.

  "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry about that article in the daily Prophet. I know it caused you a lot of trouble and I swear I had nothing to do with it" Cedric told me

  "Oh no, it's okay, really" I smiled and took another book and started to read it.

I don't know how long I was in the library reading but I all I know is that when I looked up at the clock the first task was going to start in about thirty minutes. I closed all my books and put them away. I ran to the place they would hold the task. There were tents everyone and I wasn't to sure how to get into the stands. Has I walked, I saw Harry walking into one of the tents. I remembered about my vision and I knew I had to warn me before he went on. I followed him and waited a bit. I heard him talking to Hermione for a bit and then he was talking to Dumbledore and others.

Once I didn't hear anymore voices, I slowly walked inside the tent and went to find Harry. He was sitting on a bench alone looking nervous. I went to see him.

  "Nervous?" I asked knowing the answer

  "Yeah, just hoping I won't die" he answered

  "Look Harry I need to warn you about something" I started but got cut off.

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