Christmas Fluff

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Leo: Christmas was one of your guy's favorite holidays, you loved Christmas lights and decorating the tree with the turtles. On Christmas Eve when the brothers were asleep you and Leo would cuddle on the couch drinking hot chocolate, sometimes you'd watch the snow fall, sometimes you'd kiss, but mostly you guys would watch Christmas movies and almost fall asleep, but you would both stay awake for each other, finally at three in the morning you would cave, and fall asleep and Leo would carry you up to his room where you two would sleep until Mikey woke you up in the morning to open presents.

Raph- Raph liked Christmas, but only because he got to spoil you with presents and you couldn't complain. You loved showering him with gifts but he insisted that he would only want something small, but meaningful. On Christmas eve you would place a bow on your head, telling Raph you were his present. He always chuckled, but would kiss you sweetly, before taking off the bow. That night he would give you more passionate kisses, telling you that all he wanted was you. In the morning you'd open presents and be embarrassed with how much he gave you. He'd open his present and find that you gave him a teddy bear with your voice recorded, telling him that you loved him. He would act embarrassed because his brothers would tease him, but every night he sleeps with it, and sometimes takes it on missions.

Donnie- Donnie loved the history of Christmas more than anything (hecking nerd) so you two would try to find a church service to attend , where you could blend into the background. Donnie would try to sing the hymns off key and you would try to suppress your giggles in church. After the service you two would head up to the rooftops where you would look at the stars. Donnie would play with your hair while you laid your head in his lap and tell him about your favorite Christmas memories, and every year without fail you two would always give each other Christmas oranges.

Mikey- Mikey loves everything about Christmas, especially decorations and wrapping paper. You always helped him decorate the tree, and you would make pop-corn strands to wrap around the tree. Mikey would lift you up so you could place the star on top of the tree (and maybe take the opportunity to give your bottom a squeeze) and you would laugh, but scold him. He would also chase you around with mistletoe, so you would kiss him. On Christmas eve you would surprise him with your own mistletoe over his bedroom door, he would always be surprised when you kissed him, but would remember the mistletoe and laugh, pulling you closer and kissing you more. On Christmas morning he was always the first one up, waking everybody else up for presents. You guys liked making each other mix-tapes, and giving each other terrible socks for Christmas, you would both groan at the socks, but secretly you both would wear them any chance you got.

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