"No but like I'm in a relationship now!" The brunette stated. "That was while we were broken up."

"So just tell Shawn that." The blonde sat on the end of the bed said. "It's really not that big if a deal."

"He probably likes that pic anyway." I shrugged and Camila's head snapped toward me. "I mean, I wouldn't be impressed if I seen a picture of Lauren making out with someone else while we were broke up but I mean girl on girl, guys find that hot."

"Really?" Dinah raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'That's the best you could do.'

"You know what guys are like." I stated. "Camila's hot and Selena's hot."

"Okay, what?" Lauren asked as she reentered the room. "Selena who is hot?"

My heart rate machine started beating faster causing Dinah and Camila to laugh as I blushed. Lauren smirked and took a seat next to me on the bed before pecking my cheek.

"I don't think Lauren has anything to worry about." Dinah teased. "Other than you having a heart attack just because she walked in the room."

"Control yourself Y/N/N." Camila laughed.

"I think it's cute." Lauren giggled pecking my cheek again.

"You know we could probably have fun with that beeping thing." Dinah looked to be thinking about something.

"Ouuuu," Camila smirked. "Let's play a game."

"Leave her alone guys." Lauren laughed playing with the blanket on my bed.

"Yeah leave me alone." I agreed pulling the blanket over my face.
Lauren's POV

After a month awake in the hospital Y/N had almost fully physically recovered. Her leg was still in a full cast and her hand in a brace, a few scars but almost back to her normal appearance. Internally her ribs were still healing though they didn't seem to bother her anymore, but after surgery the internal bleeding has all been fixed.

"Almost ready?" I smiled as I walked back into her room after I'd signed her out. "We're ready to go whenever you are."

She didn't respond to what I was saying  as she stood by the window looking out. I walked over slowly and softly wrapped my arms around her waist making sure not to hurt her in the process.

"Have they been out there the whole time?" She asked pointing to the fans and paparazzi down by the main entrance.

"The first week there were more." I stated and she turned around slowly in my arms. "But it did die down after awhile, now I guess they heard you were getting out today."

"Did they bother you while I was... you know... out." She asked and I frowned looking down remembering the day Dinah took me home.

"There was one day that was pretty bad." I answered honestly. "One of them said something that I really didn't need to hear." She frowned. "Dinah went off on him." I added trying to lighten the mood a little.

"I'm sorry." She apologized wrapping her arms around my neck. "I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you."

"It's fine now." I smiled as she played with my hair. "You're here, you're better and that's all that matters right now."

"Let's go home." She smiled leaning in a pecking my lips softly. "I need real food."

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