Chapter 23

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~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

That stuffed teddy bear with the tag had been on my mind all day. Who's was it? Why was it there? Why did it have Niall written on it? I shook my head in confusion as I walked down the city streets. I was off to see Josh, who had said he could help me with all of his. He took a police detectives class a while back and told me he knew some stuff to get on the case and help find Niall. I trusted him, though I didn't really like him.

I found the complex where his apartment was and knocked on the door to his room.

"Liam." Josh said when the door opened.

"Josh." I returned.

"You can help can't you? You can help me find Niall?"

"I told you I could, didn't I?" He spat at me. I knew Josh wasn't too crazy about me either, but I also knew that he cared for Niall as well and he wouldn't just let him disappear forever.

"So what can you so? How can you help?" I urged him.

"Okay, well the police don't count a person or persons missing until they've been gone for 96 hours. But between you and I, we both know they've been kidnapped. And I can help you get them back way sooner. Do you have that stuffed bear that was left there?" I nodded to him and showed him the bear. He took it from me and began working at his laptop.

I didn't know exactly what Josh was going to do, but if it could help me find my future husband, I'd do anything. "And now... We wait." He put his hands behind his head and relaxed in his office chair.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I found any prints that were on the bear using this print tracker. In about an hour, we should know who the people were that have had their hands on this bear."

"How the hell do you have this stuff?"

"My dad... He was a PI so he needed his own gear. When he... died... I took them and I guess I've made good use with them."

"....I'm so sorry about your dad. Can I ask what happened to him?"

"Shot in the chest 5 times working a case." He was on the brink of tears now, but he was trying so hard not to show any weakness. "Hey listen," he said wiping his eyes, "do you want something to eat? I could cook up something real quick to pass the time."

"Yeah, thanks," I smiled, "I'd like that."

15 minutes passed before Josh came out of the kitchen holding two plates of spaghetti and meatballs. "Bon appetite" he said placing the two dishes on the table.

We ate in mostly silence; only exchanging quick questions and answers about each other. It was hard to get along with someone who tried to steal your boyfriend. As I was eating my last fork full of spaghetti, a beeping sound came from Josh's laptop. Josh raced over to it and clicked a few buttons. On the screen, in bright red were the words


Josh and I both exchanged glances and then he pressed a button on the screen and it changed. The photo I.D. of the match that it found was my face.

"That makes sense, considering you had it in your hands coming over here. I wore gloves when I handled it. So who's number 2...?"

Multiple faces flashed up on the screen until it stopped on one particular face. One that I had not seen for many months. And underneath the picture was in a dark bold black were two words that sent shivers up my spine.


How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now