Chapter 2

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~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

I dug out the two VIP tickets I had been hiding in my pocket an held them up to Niall. His eyes instantly lit up and and a huge grin emerged on his face. I couldn't help but smile widely. Just seeing Niall smile, made me smile. He had the most beautiful one too, even with his crooked teeth. My daydream of Niall broke as a loud fan-girlish scream pierced the air. Niall's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he tumbled out of the booth.

"Oh shit!" I jumped out of the booth to check if he was breathing. I can't believe he actually fainted because of my presents. He must of really liked it. Well, I guess he was right, my presents are pretty hard to one up. I looked up from Niall to see about 20 pairs of eyes staring down at me and Niall. They must have heard the scream. I smiled awkwardly at them and a couple of people started to murmur, even a few came to Niall's side.

"Oh my gosh, is he alright?" One lady asked. "Somebody call 911!" Another shouted. My attention turned to the waitress, who was previously hitting on Niall, that bitch, who was behind the counter biting her nails furiously. She looked genuinely worried, but I didn't give a shit about her. Anyone who tries to steal my Niall will get a mouthful on Liam Payne sass.

A slight groan came from Niall and I looked down in excitement. He had woken up. His eye lids fluttered open, revealing his beautiful, bright blue eyes. He blinked a couple times and then groaned again.

"Ugh, what happened? Why am I on the floor?" He looked up at me and cupped my cheek with his hand. "Am I dead?" He asked. "Is this heaven?"

"No, Niall" I giggled. "This is the Rockefeller Diner. You fainted, remember?" I reminded him, stroking his hair. His newly dyed blonde hair was so soft. I could have run my hands through his hair all day if I wanted to. I decided not to, because that would have been weird and stood up, extending my arms to Niall. He graciously took it and I pulled him up off the ground.

"Why did I faint?" He asked me, rubbing his head. The people that had once been surrounding us had now gone back to their seats in the diner and everything had gone back to normal.

"You saw these and let out a very girlish scream," Niall's faced turned bright pink, "and then fell straight on the floor." I mimicked his fall with my arm and the table.

"Did anyone see?" He half whispered to me.

"No, just me" I chuckled, "but they certainly did hear you." Niall buried his face in to his hands and shook his head. "Oh god, this is so embarrassing. We can never come back here again. They'll know me as 'the guy who screamed like a girl and then fainted'."

"No they won't," I reassured him, "I'm sure they'll forget all about it by tomorrow. Now come on, let's get going." That flirty waitress had left the check on our table and I put down some cash, leaving a very generous tip considering her actions towards Niall. We walked towards the door and I could feel everyone's eyes directly on us. This was getting pretty awkward, so I grabbed Niall's wrist and quickly sped out. Once we were outside we immediately started heading to the apartment.

"Well that was really awkward..." I murmured. Having everyone stare at you while you walked out of a diner was not the best exit someone could have. Niall was right though, they probably would remember him forever.

"Sorry for embarrassing you, Liam. Even though it is your fault for getting me those tickets." Said Niall, giving me a cheeky smile. I shot a glare at him.

"Oh be quiet and enjoy your gift." Niall took out the tickets from his pocket an started admiring them. His eyes shined bright and he looked as if he was about to drool over those things.

"Oh my god, Niall you are so weird." I laughed at him. The boy was staring at those tickets as if they were some kind of model. Niall gave me a dirty look and I couldn't help but laugh harder.

How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now