Chapter 5

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~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

I'm not usually the jealous type. Hell, I could really care less about who Niall talked to, but I felt a slight pain in my heart when I saw him talk to that boy. It was almost like the same feeling as when that waitress was flirting with him at the diner. Something just didn't feel right about it. But what are the chances of him actually stealing my Niall away from me? I'd like to see him try. I grabbed Niall's shoulder, maybe a bit too forcefully and pulled him back so his back was on my torso. The brown haired boy gave me a sly look and smirked. Niall's head leaned back so he was looking up at me.

"What's the matter, Liam? Something bothering you?" I said nothing but continued to stare down at the boy. "Oh!" Niall exclaimed. "Liam this is Josh. Josh, Liam." Josh held out his hand to me in offer of a handshake. I ignored it and thinned my eyes at him, shooting daggers. "Jeez, Liam." Josh spoke. "You're colder than a block of ice. Don't leave me hanging." I grabbed Josh's hand and pulled myself towards him so that our bodies were almost touching. I leaned my head next to his so my face was next to his ear. "Stay away from him. He's mine." I growled. I pushed him back and took my arm around Niall's shoulder. Josh's eyes widened as he laughed.

"Feisty one aren't we, Liam? A bit too protective, maybe?" His voice was smooth and calm. Almost manipulative. I could feel my eye start to twitch. Niall turned to me. "What does he mean by that, Liam?" He was giving me that innocent face with his eyes widened showing their beautiful blue color. "Nothing." I mumbled and turned myself and Niall so we were facing the stage again. Something was different. Different about me. Since I got that call from the doctor, I've never felt more free, more alive. I felt like I could do anything I wanted to.

And that scared me.


The crowd let out loud cheers and screams as Justin ran off stage. Niall was right beside me screaming his lungs out and gripping my hand, squeezing it tightly. The lights in the arena slowly turned back on and everyone in the rows started flooding out. Niall and I headed out too, our hands locked together so we wouldn't lose each other in the mass of people.

Niall started squeezing my hand tightly and that's when I knew something was wrong. His claustrophobia was starting to act up. I turned to face him. His eyes were darting every which way and his whole body was trembling. "It's okay, Niall. You're safe. Everything's fine." My attempt to soothe him barely got through to him. Something inside me ignited. As if a spark in my heart grew into a powerful flame. I slid my grip up to Niall's wrist and held it tight. I charged with all of my might through the huge crowd of people.

Niall's countless calls and the angry and annoyed shouts of the other fans in the arena didn't phase me as I pushed through the the tidal waves of people. With one last charge, Niall and I burst through the arena doors and into the main lobby. I pulled Niall close to me and stroked his hair lightly, hushing and comforting him. His head was on my shoulder and held me tight as he sobbed.

"Liam, please don't leave me." He cried. He was sobbing so hard that his words were barely audible. "Never, I'd never leave you. Everything's is okay now." I whispered to him, kissing the top of his head. Soon, the sobbing slowed and he lifted his head up. His gaze met mine and he leaned his lips into mine. It was a kiss like I had never felt before.

Sure, I had kissed Niall at least a million times, but never like this. I never believed that there could be so much passion, love, happiness, sadness, and all other kinds of emotions pushed into one kiss. Niall's arms found their way around my neck and mine found theirs around his waist. It was like the world had stopped spinning and the only people on the planet was just us. No crazy Justin Bieber fans pushing and shoving into each other. No ignorant strangers giving us dark glares. Just Niall and I.

Our lips broke apart and our eyes were stilled locked. "Liam..." Niall whispered. "I love you, Niall." I breathed. There was a different feeling about saying those words to Niall. Almost as if I had never said them before. It was like a new Liam was born. "I love you too, Liam."

"Kiss me again." I demanded. Niall grinned and leaned back in. Our lips met once more and I pushed forward, deepening the kiss. I traced the bottom of Niall's lip with my tongue begging him to let me in. I didn't care if there were tons of people around us. Niall was mine and I was going to let the world know. Niall's mouth opened slightly and my tongue shot forward and found his easily. They danced around each other's mouths and tangled with one another. I pulled back, panting. "Let's take this back to the apartment." I breathed. Niall grinned again, clearly getting the message. Tonight was the night. Niall had better be ready. Because I'm about to take him around the fucking world.

~~~~~ NIALL'S POV ~~~~~

"Kiss me again." Liam's voice was so stern and hard. He was taking control. I had to admit, it really turned me on. I pushed my lips right on to his and he pushed back. This boy wants me, a lot. I felt Liam's tongue trace my bottom lip. I let him in by opening my mouth slightly and his tongue found it's way in and met mine. I was loving this kind of Liam. What had changed him so much? What had forced him to start taking control?

Liam didn't care that we were in a room filled with tons of people. We just stood there, kissing each other while a bunch of fans from the concert rushed past us. Our tongues crashed with each other for a bit before Liam pulled away. "Let's take this back to the apartment." He panted. I found myself grinning. I knew exactly what he wanted. The only question was if I was ready for it. I suppose I had to be. There was no stopping this Liam. He took my hand and pulled me out the doors of the stadium. We practically sprinted back to our apartment complex.

Liam fumbled with the key to our door but it finally found it's way in and it swung open. He threw the key across the room and pushed his lips back on mine. "I want you." He growled. He shoved me into the wall and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Then fucking have me, Liam Payne" I growled back. Both of us were panting frantically when he tore my shirt off and starting kissing down my neck. He immediately found my sweet spot right on the crook of my neck and starting sucking on it. I let out a loud moan in excitement. I have no idea what had gotten into Liam, but I was absolutely loving it.

Liam starting to leave tiny love bites all around my neck and starting moving down my torso. I felt a surge of pain and pleasure as he bit down, hard, on my nipple. He soothed by twirling his tongue all around it. I slightly moaned again. He moved down to my stomach and kissed right above my waist. He began to unzip my jeans and slide them down my lower half, leaving me in nothing but my boxers.

He was about to pull down the only thing that was keeping my rock hard, throbbing length in any type of control when there was the slight click of a lamp turning on. The room was illuminated and our attention turned to the two figures sitting awkwardly on our living room couch. Liam's hands pulled back from my body and he jumped off me. I immediately pulled my jeans back up and spread my arms all around chest, trying to cover myself up.


~~~~~ AUTHOR'S NOTE ~~~~~








How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now