Chapter 7

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~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

I woke up rather early, thanks to the loud snoring of my boyfriend whom I had my arms wrapped around. My eyes squinted at the expected bright light shining through the blinds. I gave Niall little shoves to wake him up. I smiled to myself when he woke up with a snort.

"Huh? Wha---? Oh... mmmmmorning, Liam" he slurred. I waved my hand in front of my nose and made a face of disgust at his rancid morning breath. "Ugh, Niall, go brush your teeth, your breath smells horrific." He stuck his tongue out at me and hopped off the bed and into the bathroom. I heard the sound of the shower turning on and decided that it was about my time to get up. I glanced over to the clock. 8:30. Oh shit. I banged on the door of the bathroom and yelled to Niall. "Niall we've got to hurry, the meet and greet is in half an hour!"

"Oh shit!" I heard him gasp through the door. In record time, he was washed, dressed with his teeth brushed. He even flashed his pearly whites at me to prove that he'd done it. I just shook my head and ran into the shower. Once I had finished getting ready, we grabbed whatever available food there was in the kitchen and headed out the door. I ended up with an apple and Niall grabbed a packet of strawberry Pop-Tarts.

On the walk there, Niall was firing questions at me like "do you think he'll like me?". "I wonder what his favorite food is?" "What if his favorite color is green, like me? Wouldn't that just be amazing?" I could feel the oncoming headache a mile away. I simply took his hand in mine and squeezed it. "I'm sure he is everything you've ever dreamed of." I told him, flashing a quick smile. Niall shook his head. "Nuh uh, Liam. You're everything I've ever dreamed of." he said, lightly pushing his body into mine. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I began to turn red. I always blushed when Niall complimented me like that. It made me feel so special. "Awww, Liam, I love it when you blush." he cooed and pinched my cheek. I winced and glared at him.

"Oh stop it, will you?" I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away. He is just so immature, sometimes. "I have exciting news to tell you!" Niall's eyes lit up and his full attention was suddenly on me. "I... um... well, long story short, both my kidneys are working again!" Niall's jaw dropped and his walking stopped. "Your kidney just... started working again? I don't even understand how that's possible!"

"Yeah, neither do I, but it happened and I feel amazing!" It's true, I really did feel amazing. Almost as if I was a new person. "Oh this is so exciting!" Niall clapped his hands in joy. "We have to celebrate! Definitely tonight!" Celebrate? By doing what? My questions were cut off by the loud squeals that were coming from Niall when he saw that we had reached the meet and greet point. We flashed our VIP passes to the guard and he nodded, admitting us in. 

The body guard opened the door and we stepped inside a small, but surprisingly nice, room. It was carpeted, there was a lounge area with a couch, table, and a TV. We probably wouldn't be watching much television anyway considering we were about to meet a world famous celebrity. The room was occupied with about ten to fifteen other fans (all girls) who let out little squeals when they saw that we were male fans. A few even rushed over to us and gave us hugs and we awkwardly hugged back. 

"Oh my god, you guys are so cute!" gawked one of the teenage fans, "Are you two dating? You guys would be so perfect together!" My cheeks flushed a light pink and I intertwined my fingers with Niall's and held up our interlocked hands to the girls. They all clapped and "awwed", but those soon turned into cheers and screams when, the one and only, Justin Bieber, walked through the door. 

"Hey girls," he said all smooth like, "And guys." he winked when he saw us. Niall blushed and did a shy little wave to him, but inside I could tell that he just wanted to let everything out and shriek until his lungs gave out. Justin approached us and Niall started to wobble. I put my hand on his back to keep him standing and conscious. "Hey, guys, what's up?" Justin smooth talked. Niall took in a deep breath. "N-n-nothing much. H-how ab-bout yourself?" Justin smirked and turned to me. "I'm guessing he's pretty nervous?" he asked. I chuckled, "Yeah."

How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now