Chapter 3

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~~~~~ NIALL'S POV ~~~~~

Here it was. Tonight was the big night.

The night of the Justin Bieber concert. I still couldn't believe how Liam got tickets. He spoiled me rotten, that much was clear. I stepped out of the bathroom just after my shower in fresh, clean clothes. Liam was waiting for me by the doorway of the bedroom. I did a little twirl in front of him, giving him a full view of my outfit.

"Well? How do I look?" I asked him, grinning. I wore a red polo, with tan khakis and white Supras. Liam looked at me with hungry eyes and slowly came over to me. He put his hands on my hips and tilted his head so our foreheads were touching.

"Amazing, as always." He whispered.  

"You don't look half bad yourself, Payne." I whispered back into his ear. He leaned in a bit more, which closed the gap between our lips. The kiss wasn't forceful or hard. It was full of care and love. Smooth and sweet. I smiled in the kiss when Liam started to deepen it a bit more. I put my hand on his chest, pushing him back a bit. "Not until after, love." I teased. Liam frowned a bit, but backed off. I winked at him and strutted out of the room. Liam followed behind me and grabbed the keys on the way out.

Outside was absolutely freezing. The second we walked out I had my arms folded. Liam stretched his arm around me and brought me closer to his body. The warmth of his body felt so nice. I nestled in to him a bit more begging for warmth. My hand found his and we locked them together as we traversed through the busy city.

It was about a 15 minute walk to the arena where Justin Bieber was playing. I still couldn't believe that I was seeing AND meeting him. And all because of Liam. He was really the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

After tons and tons of walking through blocks in the freezing weather, we made it to the arena. We gave our tickets to the guards and showed our VIP passes. He nodded in acceptance and let us through. Inside the arena was crazy. There had to be well over 10,000 seats in there. I smiled up at Liam who was looking around everywhere in amazement. Neither of us had been to any live concert so this was huge for us. It was like stepping into a whole other world.

The seats around the arena were already almost all filled in. People were flooding in through the doors. We found our place in the front row and began chatting with the people around us. So many girls in the first couple rows saw us and were all talking about how we were guys at a Justin Bieber concert. I even heard one girl squeal. "Oh my god! Guy beliebers in the first row!" I smiled to myself and I saw Liam's face flush bright red.

After about 15 minutes of waiting, the lights in the arena began to darken and the whole place exploded with cheers and screams. The whole crowd began chanting "JUSTIN. BIEBER. JUSTIN. BIEBER" I started cackling when I turned to Liam and saw he was doing the same thing. He noticed and smiled awkwardly. I laughed again and took his hand, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Thank you. For everything." I whispered into his ear. He gave me a sweet and short kiss on the lips in return and I heard a few "awwws" from some of the girls around us.

Liam and I broke apart when we heard the music start to play. More screams erupted from the crowd as Justin ran on stage. My inner fan-girl exploded and I let out an ear curling scream that even Liam flinched at the sound of.

~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

Justin ran out on stage (shirtless may I add) to the cheering of thousands of girls (and me). I heard Niall's ear curling scream right beside me and I couldn't help but flinch. Damn, that boy was loud. I started screaming too when Justin started his first song. It was so unlike me to be so excited like this. There was so much adrenaline in my body that I just had to scream to let it out.

Through out the concert, Niall and I's screams never ceased and we kept jumping up and down to the beats of the music. Niall had this genuine smile on his face through the whole thing. It warmed my heart to see him like that. I don't think I've ever seen Niall this happy since... since I first asked him to be my boyfriend. My thoughts broke when I felt a vibration in my pocket. Phone call. I whipped out my phone. It was a call from my doctor. Niall turned to me with a questioning look. I pointed to my phone and nodded. I quickly got out of the screaming crowd and ran to the nearest exit. I had gotten a check up on my kidneys a couple of days before and my doctor said he would call me with the results. Perfect timing.

As soon as I was in the quieter part of the arena, I answered the phone on the last ring.

"Hello?" I asked in the phone. The voice on the other line was just who I expected it to be. "Ah, Liam, hi. How are you?"

"Hi, Doctor Matthews, I'm well. You kind of interrupted me in the middle of a concert, but it's alright. Do you have the results of my check up?"

"Yes I do, Liam. I must say that I am very happy to tell you that, surprisingly, both of your kidneys are fully functional again." My jaw dropped. "But, how is that possible?" My kidney just started working again? How? "I can't quite explain how, but it did. Congratulations, Liam. And enjoy your concert."

"Thanks, Doctor Matthews. Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." I shut my phone, grinning. I walked back into the arena and was suddenly surrounded by the screams of teenage girls. As I walked back to the front row I couldn't help but think everything over. Both my kidneys are working again. This.. this changed everything. So many more opportunities have opened up. I could do stuff I'd never done now.

When I got back to the front row, I found Niall in the same place... But with something was off. He was chatting up with some brown haired guy next to him.

Who the hell is that?

~~~~~ NIALL'S POV ~~~~~

I saw Liam take out something in his pocket and I gave him a questioning look. Liam pointed to his phone and I automatically understood. He had to take a phone call. Who in their right mind would call him while he was in the middle of the best concert ever? Liam quickly slid past me and I turned my head to see him sprinting towards the exit.

Now with Liam not filling the spot next to me I could see who was beside me in the front row. I had to say I was surprised when I found another boy fan right next to me. He had brown hair, blue eyes... and was staring directly at me.

Don't be awkward, Niall. DO SOMETHING. He turned his head back to the stage. I took a few small steps closer to him so that we were mere inches apart.

"Great concert, huh?" He shouted to me above the blasting music. His voice was smooth, unlike the other raspy voices of the screaming girls around us. He obviously had noticed that I moved closer to me.

"Yeah! I love Justin Bieber. He's the best!" I shouted back. He flashed smile. I started to turn bright pink.

Stop flirting Niall, you have a boyfriend for God's sake!

Justin ended the song and loud cheers erupted from the audience. I took the opportunity to introduce myself. He seemed like a pretty cool guy. I extended my hand to him.

"My names Niall. Niall Horan." I grinned. He returned both the handshake and the smile.

"Josh Devine."

~~~~~ AUTHOR'S NOTE ~~~~~









How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now