Chapter 14

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~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

Hello, you've reached the phone of Liam Payne. Sorry I can't get to the phone right now! I'm probably having too much fun with Niall! Leave a message!

"Liam, it's Niall. Please come home. I miss you. It feels so lonely without you. I love you."

"Liam, it's Niall again. I really wish you would come back home. I've got no one to snuggle with in bed. No one to hold me. I'm so lonely. Please. I love you."

"It's Niall again. I hope you're hearing these messages. See you later, then, maybe. Bye. I love you."

"Liam, please. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I miss you. I miss everything about you. I miss your smile. Your voice. Your laugh. Your warm body up against mine. I just wish you would come home again. I just want to talk all of this out. You never let us talk at the hospital so I've been sitting here all day asking myself 'Why? Was it me? Was it my fault?'. Josh has been here keeping me company and helping me through this. I wish you were here instead of him. You're my one and only and I love you so much. Please come home. Or at least call me back. Please, I'm begging you. Anything..."

"End of new messages." The voice mail dial announced. I clicked my phone off and flung myself at the bed. The pillow became my only sort of comfort as I soaked it with my tears. Hearing Niall say all of those things broke my heart and no matter how badly it yearned to go back to him, I knew I couldn't.

The door swung open and Dani appeared, holding tons of bags. She had gone shopping earlier that day. When she saw my state she dropped the bags and rushed to my side. "Liam, are you okay? Have you been crying? Is it Niall?" I nodded weakly and played the voice messages for her.

She sat there, speechless once they had finished playing. "Oh my god, Liam. I couldn't even imagine the pain you're going through right now."

"I don't know what to do, Dani. My heart wants to go back to him but my head says that it's a bad idea. I'm so confused." I sniffled.

"Liam, if you want my honest opinion. There is a reason Niall keeps calling you. It's because he misses you. Clearly, he has forgiven and forgotten about what has happened over the past few weeks. He wants you back Liam. If you can promise to yourself that you won't hurt him again, then you're ready to go back to him."

"But that's the thing, though! I have no idea if I won't hurt him again. What if I can't control myself and I..." I gulped. "Do something worse?"

"You just have to trust yourself. It'll be fine Liam. Go back to the apartment, talk things out. It will get better."

"Okay." I nodded. I took a shaky breath and hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Dani. You're a great friend."

"Hey, that's what I'm here for!" She called out as I ran out the door.

~~~~~ NIALL'S POV ~~~~~

3 days. It's been 3 days since I last saw Liam. I was released from the hospital a few days back and Josh took me home only to find that all of Liam's things were gone. It was then when I realized that he might not be coming back. That he really could be gone forever. I didn't want him to be gone forever. I wanted him to stay here and be happily together with me.

I've called him non-stop, hoping that he would pick up, but he never does. I've left countless messages telling him to come back home because I missed him and loved him. I wished there was just some way I could have talked this out with him. It wasn't fair that he left me like that.

What I wouldn't do to have his hand slide between mine again. Feel those lips against mine again. Feel his body on mine again. I missed his presence and his warmth and just about everything about him. Deep down, I hoped that he was thinking the same thing too. Maybe one day, he'll realize that he couldn't live with out me and come back, and I would have welcomed him back with open arms.

I just hoped that he was safe somewhere. That he wasn't living in a box on the streets.

Josh has been staying with me, keeping me company and helping me cope with all of this. After every thing that's happened, he has really been a great friend. He's been talking with me and sorting out how I've been feeling since Liam had left.

It's was really strange though. A couple nights ago, we were talking, and there was this sort of... connection between us. He leaned in, almost as if to kiss me, but right before he did the phone rang and he went to pick it up. I wondered if he was actually going to kiss me or if it was just a misunderstanding.

I decided to shrug it off. It had probably been some sort of misunderstanding anyway. I mean, why would Josh kiss me? My thoughts broke when I heard Josh call from across the apartment.

"Niall! Could you come here for a minute!" I got up and trudged into the kitchen where he was waiting. "Yes Josh?" I asked politely. I stopped short when I saw the kitchen table. Lined up were all types of delicious looking foods. There was ham, mash, steak, it looked incredible.

"Josh... what's this all for?" It wasn't everyday that your friend makes a 5 course meal for you out of the blue.

"Niall, I have something to say to you and I've been keeping it in for a really long time. I don't know why but every time I see you, my heart skips a beat and I lose control. I love you and I hated seeing you with Liam. I wanted you to be mine, and now that he's gone, you can. Since Liam's gone, there's no else between us!" Josh had a twisted smile and I started backing up. I wasn't comfortable with this, not at all.

"Come on, what do you say?" He urged forward, making me step back even more. He growled fiercely at me and grabbed my arm. "Ow! Josh stop you're hurting me!" I cried out in pain.

"Then maybe this will change you're mind." he mumbled. He pulled me towards him and he slammed his lips on mine, just as the front door opened and Liam appeared at the door way.

~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~







How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Where stories live. Discover now