Chapter 12

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Don't hate me

~~~~~ NIALL'S POV ~~~~~

I exhaled. Liam was drunk out of his mind and couldn't think straight, clearly. Based on the way he was dancing with that girl it was pretty obvious. I just wanted to get out of this party and go home. I took Liam's hand and we started to head out towards the door when suddenly, Liam's hand fell out of mine. I gasped and turned around to see Josh gripping my face and smashing his lips against mine. I fought and struggled out of his grip and kicked him away.

"What the fuck, Josh?" I screamed.

How dare he? He knew that I was dating Liam and to take advantage of me like that while Liam was in that state... it was downright wrong! But Josh was probably just as drunk as Liam and wasn't thinking straight.

Josh only smirked at me and turned his attention to Liam, who looked as if he was going to explode. I slowly backed away. I was afraid when I saw the hatred burning in Liam's eyes. I didn't want to know what Liam could, or would, to do me in this kind of state. "Josh..." he growled and launched himself at the boy. Josh side stepped and Liam crashed to the floor. "Yes, Liam?" he asked nonchalantly. Liam growled again and Josh just laughed. "Look at you! So drunk you can't even stand up straight!" Liam forced himself up and punched Josh flat in the stomach, sending him stumbling on to the couch. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let my boyfriend and my friend fight each other over something like this. Especially in front of everyone at the party.

Josh was steaming, his hands curled up into fists and he was breathing heavily. Liam was across from him, in a similar state. Liam readied his fist and I saw his muscles flex hard, he was about to give Josh everything he had, and by the looks of Josh, he was about to do the same. Both of them lunged at each other, shouting profanities at one another. I couldn't let them hurt each other any further, so, without thinking, I jumped right in between them, blocking their fists from one another. I felt two sharp pains to my stomach and chest, and then all I saw was black.

~~~~~ LIAM'S POV ~~~~~

I woke up groggily on a really uncomfortable chair set up in a hospital room. Hospital room? Why was I in a hospital room?! I looked around the room and my eyes fell upon a small, fragile, blonde figure lying unconscious in the bed. Niall. I sprang off the chair and rushed towards him, but fell to the floor when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. I held a hand to it and breathed heavy. What the hell happened last night? Why was I here? Why was Niall here?

The door opened and a young, brunette nurse walked in holding a tray of meds. She jumped and yelped when she saw me lying on the floor. "Oh my! Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. She extended her hand and helped me up from the ground and set me on the chairs. "What happened?" I began. "Where am I? Why does my head hurt so much? Why is Niall here?" They were rapid fire questions, I know, but I needed answers.

The nurse took a look at her clipboard and spoke. "Well, I am not exactly sure what happened, but you're at Midland Regional Hospital. You consumed a large amount of alcohol last night and you passed out on the chairs here. And you're friend has suffered some serious bruises to his stomach and chest."

"Niall!" I exclaimed and rushed back over to him, only to collapse again due to the pain in my head. Why did my head hurt so much? Did I get hit last night or was this a hangover. And damn it! Why couldn't I remember anything from last night? I held my head and gasped at another wave of pain. This must be what a hangover feels like. A loud rumble erupted from my stomach and I felt something rise of from the bottom of my throat. I ran to the bathroom in the hospital room. I hung my head over the toilet seat and emptied the contents of my stomach into the bowl. The nurse walked in to the bathroom holding a cup of water and a few pills.

"Here," she said, handing them to me. "Take these. They're pain meds. You'll feel better." I graciously swallowed the pills with the water and thanked her. The pain in my head had died down and I was able to stand up steadily by myself after a bit. I walked out of the bathroom and stopped short  when I saw the sleeping, bruised body of my boyfriend.

"Is he a friend of yours?" the nurse asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled weakly at her. "He's my boyfriend. I wish I could just know what happened to him to make him like this. I can't remember a damn thing from last night. All I remember is that I went to a party and... that's it. Everything else is just a blur." She patted my shoulder, smiled at me, as if to assure me that everything would be okay and exited the room.

There was a chair placed next to Niall's bed which I sat in, holding his pale, soft hand gently in mine, stroking it lightly. "Oh Niall... I wish I knew who did this to you. When I find out who, I'll personally kill them myself." There was a dark chuckle that came from the hallway and a familiar voice spoke out.

"You really don't remember anything from last night, do you?" I snapped my head to the doorway, where Josh was standing. He had his arms crossed and one leg on the doorway, supporting him. He had a stupid grin on his face and was staring right at Niall. I shot a glare at him, warning him not to come any closer. "What do you mean? Do you know who did this?" I pressed him. Josh laughed darkly again.

"Of course I know! I was there. It was you, Liam! You did this to Niall!" I did this? No... that's not true. That can't be true. He's lying. "You're lying. I would never do that to him." I shook my head, avoiding the possible truth that Josh was telling me.

"Are you sure?" Josh asked, "Because based on how drunk you were last night, I would assume you would do anything. If I asked you to jump out the window you would. Your judgement was that clouded." That couldn't be true. This was my Niall. The Niall who I had sworn to protect from any harm. The Niall who I had promised that I would never hurt him in any way. And there I was, looking at the damage I had caused. Tears pricked my eyes and I fought so hard to hold them back and blinked.

"...Liam." A small voice spoke out. My head turned to the blonde, Irish boy who was now wide awake, looking at me. He was okay, thank the lord. I let out a loud exhale and hugged him. "Niall!" I breathed, "Thank god you're alright!" he began to lean in to kiss me but I backed away. He frowned at me.

"Niall... please tell me something, and be honest. Is it true? Was it me? Did I really do this to you?" I lifted up his hospital gown to reveal the dark blue marks on his torso. He looked at me for a few seconds before a tear slid down his cheek and he warily nodded his head. My heart broke into a million pieces. How could I do such a thing? How could have I been so stupid?! I swore to protect him from harm when I was the one harming him all along. As much as it pained me to even think of it. I knew what I had to do.

Niall wasn't safe around me. He would only get hurt more if he stayed with me. "Niall," I began. "Niall, I am so sorry I did this to you. I was drunk and and I know that's not an excuse but please know that I am so sorry. Seeing you like this... in this state and knowing that I was the one who did it to you breaks my heart and kills me inside. Knowing that, because of this, you're not safe around me anymore. Which is why this is so hard for me to say..." Niall knew what was coming. He knew what I was about to say to him and he was going to completely lose it. He was shaking his head furiously and tears were flying everywhere.

"Liam! No, please don't! Please, Liam! Not like this!" It felt like my heart was being weighed down by a rock and I just wanted to break down and cry. I gathered all of the courage that I could in my body and took in a deep breath to prepare myself for the one thing I was about to say to the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing, incredible, lovable, perfect boy that I had ever had the pleasure of welcoming into my life.

"Niall, I...I think we need to break up."

~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~




How I Lost You (Niam Fanfic) *Sequel to 'How I've Loved You'*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora