Not Tomorrow Yet (S06E012)

Start from the beginning

"Maybe a weapons locker, an armory." Jesus suggested. "Okay." Eddie said, writing 'ARMORY' at one side of the map. "We get in there, secure the armory, that's how we end it." Glenn told Rick. "That's how Carol ended it here." Maggie added.

"But, we don't know if they have an armory or where it even is." Eddie said. "Well, we've got a lot of good guesses. We've done more with less." Daryl pointed out. "We go in at night, while they're sleeping." Rick stated. "The guards won't be sleeping. Like I said, I think there's only one way in and there's no way to bust through that door without waking up the rest of them."

"We don't need to. They're going to open it for us, let us walk right in. They want Gregory's head, right? We're gonna give it to them."

After the plan was crystal clear, you all walked back to your separate homes. You laid beside Daryl and stared at the black ceiling. You couldn't sleep. You played every scenario over and over and over in your mind. Daryl rolled over, in his sleep, and faced you. He unconsciously wrapped his arm over your body and pulled you into him. You let a small smile creep over your face, and relaxed a little, until sleep over took you.


The next morning, you all loaded into the RV, a truck, and a van; you rode in the van with Daryl. Rick was leading the mission, as usual. Once Rick figured that you were in safe distance of Alexandria, he stopped in the middle of the road and blared his horn, as did the rest of you. Rick jumped out of the RV, "Aaron, Rosita. You start here. We'll peel off every quarter mile, meet back here in a couple of hours. See what we got." You, Daryl, Aaron, and Sasha decided to walk towards the way you just came, to fulfill the task Rick gave you.


"We're gonna take a look around, try to get a feel for how many people are in there. We like how it looks, we go in. A couple of hours before dawn. The guards outside'll be tired. Everyone inside'll be sleeping. We don't like what we see, we head back, make a new plan. They don't know who we are. We'll keep Jesus in the shadows. This is how we eat. This is how we eat. We roll out a midnight." Rick said, walking away.


At midnight, as scheduled, Rick instructed Eddie to take the car to the place he explained. As you pulled up to the front door, red lights beamed at you. "Stop right there! Announce yourself, asshole!" A man yelled. All of you lurked in the shadows, observing. "It's Eddie, from Hilltop! It's done!" He shouted back.

"Step out!" Eddie turned the engine off, and stepped out of the car, hands raised, with the look-alike head in the right hand. "Is that it?!" "Yeah!" "Bring it here, shit brain!"

The front door opened and two men walked out, in leather jackets. You could see that there were some conversations going on, but you couldn't make any of it out.

One of the men walks back inside, to get Craig, you guess. Daryl sneaks up behind the remaining one, and slits his throat. He gave you the signal and you all rushed towards the building. Three of your people, collected the guy and moved him out of the way, just in time for the other one to come back.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." The man said, with Craig stumbling alongside of him. Michonne inserted her katana into his chest, as he fell to the ground. Eddie caught Craig, holding his mouth, so he couldn't scream. Rick grabbed the keys from the dead guy's pocket and tossed them to you. You unlocked the door and moved in behind Daryl.

You were finally in, you all scaled the rooms. There was no one. For now. "Check the doors. Find the arsenal. We take them out." Rick whispered.

There was a door at the very end of the main hallway, that Rick, opened with caution. You, Daryl, and Michonne close behind. Rick moves in and kills the one man inside, as the three of you watched every angle.

As you were walking down a hallway, their alarm sounded. "Shit." You said, scrambling. People are starting to emerge from every which way. You stopped a doorframe so Rick could shoot some of them off. "Go!" He said, when it was clear.

You all ran down another hallway, and as you were turning a corner, shots were fired. Rick stepped out of the way, quickly, and shot back. Daryl shot of a round and crossed the hallway. The man shot more back at Rick. You and Michonne covered him, so he could cross the hall, without being shot at.

Daryl charged down the hall, and opened the door, that was at the end of it. He opened it up and bashed the guy's head in, with the butt of his gun.


Glenn and Heath had found the armory, a couple of hours ago. It was now light outside and you had to get Heath and Tara on the road for their two-weeker. As they drove off, you all heard a motorcycle engine revving behind you. A man rode out; it was Daryl's bike. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled and sprinted off. Rosita shot off bullets towards the man, with success of knocking him off.

Daryl ran up to the man and sacked him to the ground. Punching him in the face, a few times, "Where'd you get the bike?!" Rick stood over the man and Daryl, and pulled the hammer of his gun back. "Just do it! Like you did everyone else, right?" The man said.

"Lower your gun, prick. You, with the Colt Python. All of you, lower your weapons right now." A woman on the man's walkie said. All of you went to a higher alert. You all looked around the land, you saw nothing. Rick picked up the walkie, "Come on out. Let's talk." "We're not coming out, but we will talk. We've got a Carol and a Maggie. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about."

Don't be a silent reader!!!

-Thanks, Shaide<3

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