Conquer (S05E16)

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A/N: My second Christmas Eve present to you...The season Finale! This is my favourite episode, written, by far.


It's been a couple days since the debacle with Pete and Rick. You had fixed Rick all up. He had internal bruising, a cracked rib, and many scratches, and that's only of what you could see. Rick had been held up in a house, across the road. Michonne decided to stay with him.

You stayed with Carol, until things blew over. You haven't been back to the clinic. Carol had forbidden you to. You had agreed. So, you just followed her around all day.

You, Glenn, Carol, and Abraham, had decided to pay Rick a visit. The four of you walked in. "Where'd you get the gun?" Michonne asked Rick.

"You took it, right? From the armory?" Carol asked. Rick just looked at her.

"That was stupid. Why did you do it?" You asked.

He sighed, "Just in case."

"Deanna's planning to have a meeting, tonight. For anyone that wants to." Glenn said.

"To kick Rick out?" Abraham said, leaning against the door.

"To try." Carol said.

"We don't know that. Maggie's with Deanna right now. She's gonna find out what it is." Glenn said.

"At the meeting, you say you were worried about someone being abused and no one was doing anything about it. You say you took a gun just to be sure that Jessie was safe from a man who wound up attacking you. You say you'll do whatever you want them to. Just tell them a story they want to hear." You told Rick sternly.

"It's what I've been doing since I got here." Carol spoke.

"Why?" Michonne asked Carol

"Because these people are children and children like stories." Carol said in a 'duh' way.

"What happens after all the nice words and they still try to kick him out?" Abraham asked you.

"They're guarding the armory now." Glenn added.

"We still have knives. I have my bow. That's all we'll need against them." You said.

"Well, tonight, at the meeting, if it looks like it's going bad, I whistle. (Y/N) grabs Deanna, I take Spencer, you grab Reg, Glenn and Abraham cover us, watch the crowd." Rick instructed.

"We can talk to them." Michonne said.

"Yeah, we will. If we can't get through, we take the three of them and say we'll slit their throats." Rick stated.

"Like at Terminus?" Glenn asked.

"No, we just tell them. They give us the armory and it's over." Rick said.

"Did you want this?" You asked.

Rick shook his head, "No. I hit my limit. I—I screwed up. And here we are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna sleep some more." Rick said, laying back down, as you all walked out.


Hours later, you left Carol's side and decided to go see Rick, by yourself. You walked into the house, that he was barricaded in. He was asleep. You sat on the foot of the bed. You looked at him and shook his arm, "Wake up." You whispered. He shot up. "It's good what happened last night. We have more cover now. All of them think you've been found out, that it's over." You handed him a gun, you got before you came to see him.

He sighed and took the gun, "Why didn't you want to tell them we had more guns?"

"Michonne stopped you. She knocked you out." You slightly, laughed.

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