Just You

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You'd been walking for days trying to figure out who took Beth and where they took her. You found nothing. Absolutely nothing.

By now, you thought Daryl would've caught up with you. You guessed he was mad at you for not doing anything, that he would find her on his own. You didn't know where he was. Part of you cared, Part of you didn't. You found a stream just up the road you were on; you filled up your bottles. While you were doing that, you heard a crack of a stick. You turned around and had your bow ready. You saw a squirrel munching on a nut. In one swift move, you pulled back the arrow and struck your target. You walked to it and picked it up. You pulled your arrow out, wrapped the squirrel in a bandana, and put it in your backpack. You finished filling up the remainder of your bottles and went on your merry way.

You walked a bit further, until you came to another crossroads. You saw a sign to the left of the railroad tracks. It was a map. It said 'those who arrive survive.' A star marked Terminus, with mud, was on the center of the map. You decided that you would follow the tracks. You thought, 'I can't be the only one who's saw this map.' You passed the map and continued on the journey down the tracks.


You'd been walking for a couple of days, now. You kept to tracks; only got off if there were more walkers approaching than you could handle. You stopped to sleep, regularly, but only if you thought necessary. You thought a lot about Daryl; if he was okay; if he was still alive; if he was still mad at you. Never once did you blame yourself, about what had happened to Beth... until today.

You stopped to sleep in a nearby building. You slept for thirty minutes or so, before you where woken by a nightmare-

You were running with Beth down the road. Everything was as it was back a few days ago. Up until, Daryl found you unconscious in the middle of the road. You stood up and waked towards him. HE looked harshly at you, "What the Hell, (Y/N)? I trusted you with her life!" "I'm so sorry. They jumped me, obviously. I was unconscious just a minute ago." You explained to him. "Whatever! Just leave! You're worthless! I was so hard on her, when I should have been hard on YOU!" he yelled. A tear ran down your face.

You jolted awake. You'd never had these reveries before. Nightmares, yes, all the time, but self-pity dreams, never. You have in all your years, never felt like this, even after everything you've been through you'd never felt this way. You started to blame yourself. You didn't want to but you did. In a way, you felt something for these people, even if you only met them for, not even, five minutes.

You thought back to your dream. You were not worthless. You knew that. You thought back to before the world went to shit. You thought of how your dad treated you. He was never the father you wanted. He would beat you, and you'd just run back for more: Acceptance. He'd call you names and tell you that you were worth nothing. Even know it was just a dream, the fact that you heard Daryl say you were worthless; the fact that he thought you were weak, made you cringe.


You collected your things the next morning and got some distance from the building. You, still, kept to the tracks. You approached a fence. You found it, Terminus. You didn't trust anyone. Therefore, you did a perimeter search. Everything looked fine. That was the problem. The place was unaffected. It was eerie, but had a safe vibe.

You walked through the gates. There were sunflowers growing in window boxes. There were signs saying 'You're safe now. Lower your weapons.' You walked a little further in. You didn't see anyone.



You woke up in a pitch-black block. 'Shit', you said aloud. They took your bow, quiver, and knives. You saw a crack in the walls. You looked out of it for clues, for where you were or who did this to you. The only thing you got was that you were still in Terminus. They lied. This was NOT a sanctuary. You didn't know what this was. All you wanted to do was get out.


A couple days passed, you were still the only one in this metal box. It would get so cold at night; you would curl up in a ball until you would shake yourself to sleep. The people that put you in the box never fed you or gave you water. You didn't know what they wanted.

Another day passed. You heard the door opened. You thought this was it. However, it wasn't. The man you assumed knocked you out shoved six people inside the box with you. Your eyes adjusted to the light. You'd been in darkness for at least three days. The man slammed the door behind him. All six people, passed out. You walked over to one of the woman; there was three. You moved the hair from her face. You recognized her. It was Maggie, from the prison. You went over and checked everyone's face, to see if anyone else was there that you recognized. There was just one other person; Glenn.

They woke up couple of hours later. They were all startled. "What the hell happened?" Maggie said, looking around the box. "You were jumped. All of you. The same thing happened to me." You said, emerging from a corner into the line of light shining through the crack. "(Y/N)?" Glenn said. You nodded. -

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-Thanks, Shaide <3

UPDATED 12/24/15 at 9:50PM

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