Forget (S05E13)

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A week passed by, everyone did the jobs they were assigned, but Daryl and Sasha. They haven't been assigned jobs, yet. You could tell that they were really upset and mad about it, but they never said anything. Daryl was just like you, in many ways than just one. He's a suffer in silence kind of person.

Ever since you all got here, he changed. He didn't talk to you anymore. He would say a few words here and there, like good morning, hey, and goodnight, but you had to insatiate that.

One morning, extremely early, Rick woke you, Daryl and Carol up and asked if you would go beyond the gates with him. He brought you to a rundown house in the woods. There were two walkers roaming the area. You and Daryl swiftly brought them down with your arrow. You heard another one approaching.

"I don't see it, but it's close. There's just one of them." Daryl said, looking around.

The four of you stood in the open area, "We won't be here long. So what do you think?" Rick asked you, about the weapon's vault.

"We can go in when it's empty." You told him.

"How is that? It's locked up at night." He said.

"The window." You said, in a matter of a fact way.

"There's a latch. I can leave it open." Carol spoke up.

Rick looked at you and Daryl, "A latch?"

"Yeah." She half smiled.

"What if one of those pricks shuts it?" Daryl asked.

"Wait a couple of days, leave it open again." You suggested.

The walker snarled again. Daryl stepped back, "It's getting closer."

"We need to go in sooner than later. Right now, they're not watching us. Not worrying about meetings like this. We may need the guns, we may not." Rick said, putting his hands in his commonwealth jacket.

Carol looked at him, "We will whatever way it goes."

Rick shook his head, "They're the luckiest damn people I ever met. And they just keep getting luckier."

"How's that?" You and Daryl said, simultaneously.

"We're here now." Rick simply said. Daryl looked at you and nodded his head.

"They've got a couple of footlockers just full of 9mm autos, Rugers, Kel-Tecs. Just tossed in there. They don't use them. They're never gonna know they're gone." Carol said.

"Someone's got one now, right?" You asked, looking over at the trash pile. Rick had previously told you he stashed one in a blender, but someone stole it.

"Mm. Listen, the others, we want them to try." Rick murmured in irritation.

"You, too." You said, looking at Daryl. He looked down.

"So we keep it quiet. Just us." Rick looked at the three you. "Here it comes." A walker was approaching.

Daryl walked away, "I got him."

"Hey, wait." Carol said, holding up her gun, pulling the trigger, hitting the walker with bullets, everywhere but the head. She unloaded her clip; the last one hit the walkers head. You all looked at her confused.

"We said we were taking me shooting. I couldn't go back with a full mag." Carol said.

"Lucky he came by." Daryl said.

Rick raised his eyebrow, "We should get back." You all started to walk back. "You'll pull the latch, we'll pick our moment. Us, we don't need to be lucky." Rick restated the plan.

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