
Yo Tae you seen the iron I said coming into the living room. Yeah it's in the hall closet. Li please tell Tae I am old enough to go on a double date. Yeah right you only like 11 that's too young. You're kidding me right she said straight facing me. I am 13 Lisa! That's still too young. She trying to tell me that Tionne is gonna let Noelle go on a double date. I ran to the living room window and looked out it. Lisa what you looking for? Pigs to be flying and hell to have frozen over because there ain't no way in hell that Tionne said yes to Noelle going on a double date. See I told you Liv! Ugh yall suck she said storming out the living room to her room and slamming the door. Aye don't be slamming no doors in this house either!

Can you believe that? Yeah I can I got one just like her back in Philly, except she wouldn't have asked she would of just went and I'd knock the hell out of her when she got back too. You call Ti to see if she said yeah? Naw I've known Ti for a while and I know that she didn't say yeah.

I am a go call her and get the scoop. Let me know but I guarantee you she said Hell the fuck no, Tae said laughing. I paged Ti to call me back. And not 5 minutes later did the phone ring. I got it Tae. Hey Li what you need? Were you sleep! Yeah I am beat and I am not feeling well so I am laying down. Oh you need me to come take care of you? No I don't I am a big girl she said laughing. Well I called because I wanted to know if you knew about Liv and Noelle's little double date. Hmph ain't no double date because I told her little ass Hell no she couldn't go. Brat called it! She must be smoking something if she think I am a let her go and have my mama kicking my ass all over Atlanta. No ma'am! She mad at you. Yeah but I don't care that's not the right thing for her to be doing right now anyway. I am a let you go so I can get some rest I'll talk to you later. Aight! I'll talk to you later. Bye!


She said Hell no Noelle! Yeah Ti said the same thing. But I think I got us a way we can still go. What how? Kayo! Kayo! Yeah I think I can sweet talk him into buying us the tickets and dropping us off but you need to be on your best behavior the rest of this week Liv no back talk nothing. I don't back talk what you talking about. Liv I saw Brat pop you in the mouth last week for back talking. Man whatever. Seriously Liv if this is gonna work keep yourself together. How is that you are the innocent one but always come up with the mischief to get into? You just answered your own question, it pays to be sweet some time and you can get away with stuff. You got them all fooled. Maybe, maybe not. Look I gotta go be sweet and check on my sister. I have so much to learn from you don't I? Sure do!

Maybe Noelle was right playing nice with Tae shouldn't be a problem. I went back to the living room to see Tae and Li laughing and talking like they normally do. This is my chance now and if I can fool Li too I'll know I got it down packed. Hey what yall doing? They both looked at me straight faced and then busted out laughing again. Okay what's so funny? We were just talking about how you really thought you were gonna go on that date. Really it's not even that funny. It is too Liv, now you may have gotten that over on me had it not been Noelle. You know Tionne don't let that girl out of her sight. Okay I get that but it's not fair I mean we just wanted to go to a movie not run off and get married. Run off and get married and die the next day Tae said looking at me. Li you got a sister would you let her date at 13.

Uhhh hell naw 13 years olds don't need to date it's too much stuff going on for all that. So when is a good time for us to date? For you two when yall are about 30 and Brat and Ti got the money to get themselves out of jail. I give up fine I'll just become an old spinster and live with you Tae till I am 50. The devil is a lie you gon get yo ass up out my house by the time you 21. There's no winning Liv, Li said laughing. Tell me about it I said shaking my head.

Friday Night....


You sure this looks okay Liv! Yes its looks fine now come on before Tionne gets home and then we wont' be going nowhere. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time adjusting my shorts. If mama saw me in these shorts she'd skin me alive and the same goes for Ti as well. You right I said grabbing my little wristlet. K were ready I said as we came down the hall. He looked at us and then shook his head. Nope change! K! Change or I ain't driving you to the movies. Ugh!!! Fine I said going back into the room to change real quick. Is this better?

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