Chapter 32: A Really Bad Idea

Start from the beginning

She huffed. "Why do you keep asking me if I know these things. Of course I do! I just want to take my time spent with you. Is that a problem Mr.SmartiePants?" I giggled, "No." I felt a bubbly sensation when she said that. "Let's go~" I sang and we walked in joy, making small talk as we left.

My feelings for her kept growing and growing by the day. But I did still wonder. 'How is Eunji doing?' Every once in a while I'd find myself wondering how she was. A part of me wanted to talk to her. I couldn't be okay with ending things how we did.

"Hello~!" Mijin waved her hand infront of my face. "Oh sorry." I bit my lip. 'Taehyung, what are you doing. Get it together and focus on what's more important here.'

"Did you hear me at all?" She looked offended. I knew I messed up. "Um, Mijin? Can I ask you something?" Her exspression faultered a bit. "Yes...?" I pursed my lips. "Why am I cute?" She let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Oh. I thought it was going to be a deep question that was going to be about something dramatic or something uncomfortable." I continued to look her, waiting for my question to be answered. She noticed and cleared her throat.

"Um, well you see, It's just.... I don't know. You're just cute." She shrugged and smiled helplessly at me. I huffed. "I just am? Am I just manly too?" I leaned towards her. She shook her head as she crinkled her nose. "Taehyung, you can't be cute and manly. It's one or the other. And you're cute. There's nothing bad about that, nothing bad at all."

"Mijin, you must know that calling a man cute is a very bad thing to say. It hurts our ego. That's a man's dream. Is to be very manly and only that. It's hurts, Mijin." I said as I placed my hand over my heart. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Well first of all, Taehyung, you aren't technically a man yet, you're still a boy. And second of all, your ego shouldn't be too big anyways. It's good to receive some criticism once in a while. And third of all, not every girl likes the manly type. Some fall for the goofy ones, or the smart ones, or the cute ones. Everyone is different."

" just admitted that being called 'cute' was criticism." I said softly with a small grin on my face. "Me? Nu-uh. When did I say that?" She barked. I laughed at her change of attitude. "You said, 'It's good to receive some criticism once in a while'." I reiterated. "Referring to my ego when girls call us cute. Therefore, you said that you calling me cute was criticism which is something bad to say."

She didn't respond as she looked ahead, as if trying to think of what to say. "What was that? Did I hear 'You win Taehyung' come out of your mouth?" She rolled her eyes and hit me on my arm. "Ah! What was that for?" I giggled. "Oh what am I gonna do with you." She giggled.

"Watch a movie with me?" I shrugged. She looked at me in the corner of her eyes, then smiled. "Yeah. I will." She squeezed my hand. "You're wrong though. Being cute is not bad. That's why I keep falling for you Taehyung." She said softly. I felt my heart warm up and the urge to giggle. My mind was freaking out. She had just basically said she likes me.

Or loves me.


She leaned on my arm as we walked and I found it was comforting. "When we get there, what movie do you want to watch?" She asked. "Let's watch something scary." I suggested. "Yeah, right. Just watch, you'll get scared and hide behind me." She laughed. "Nu-uh! I won't be scared at all. Let's make a bet!" I held out my pinky finger. She grabbed my pinky with hers and shook it. "I think you will lose." She said. "I think you will lose. You just watch." I said confidently, then we both laughed.

(Eunji's POV)

Later that night, I layed in bed worrying, with my cheeks stained with recent tears. The room was dark except for the moonlight that sneaked through the closed blinds. As soon as me and Jimin came back, his parents rushed us and asked us a whole bunch of questions, asking if we were all right and where we went. Then we ate a quiet dinner, and afterwards his mother hugged me and gave me a sad smile before answering a call on her phone.

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