Chapter 25: I Won't

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(Jimin's POV)

     "But it could easily have been murder." Dr.Lee said making her lips into a thin line. 'Ah shit.'  I cringed at her words. I looked over at Eunji knowing it would hit her hard.  "Eunji." I said squeezing her hand.

"...I gotta go." Eunji said pulling away from my hand and quickly leaving. "Wait, Eunji!" I called after her. 'Damn it! This is my fault. She'll hate me forever now.'

"Thank you." I said to Dr.Lee and then quickly chased after Eunji.

I ran out and saw Eunji walk down the stairs. 'Where is she going?'  "Eunji!" She ignored me. I followed her all the way outside where she was heading straight towards a bus stop down the street.

"Eunji, wait!" I was getting angry. I caught up to her and wrapped my fingers around her arm and turned her around. "Leave me alone!" She shook me off and kept walking. "Would you stop and listen to me?! Where are you even going?!" I yelled to her causing people walking by to give us looks of concern, but then look away when they realized it was nothing unusual happening infront of the hospital.

I groaned and ran up to her and turned her around again. "Look, I know you're mad-"

"I'm not mad," Eunji said clearly angry. "What? Then why did you storm off and ignore me?" I asked confused. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. She was clearly angry as I know what she looks like when she is about to explode and that was now. "...I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened to you or your mother. Eunji, I'm truly sorry." I said quietly and meaning it.

I wrapped my arms around her and layed my chin on her head. I closed my eyes as a tear fell. 'I swear I've cried more in the last couple days than I've ever cried before in my whole 17 years of living. All of this is just crazy. So many cloudy feelings and thoughts along with all the chaotic situations. Although it's probably ten times crazier for Eunji.'

Eunji's anger turned into sadness as she was leaning into my chest crying at this point. "It''s just not fair. I don't know what me or my mom could have possibly deserve this." She sobbed.

I rubbed her back.

"Shh, just let it out. It'll be okay." I cooed. She instantly pushed me away from her. "No! It's not okay! It never was!" She yelled and wiped a tear. I was shocked by her sudden change of tone, but it was to be expected.

"Jimin, she killed her! She killed my mom! How can that possibly be okay!" She yelled. "You don't know that. Dr.Lee said it could have just been an accident." I countered. "An accident?! You and I both know that is wasn't. Sohyun made that nice and clear. UGH! I can't even say her name anymore without wanting to throw up!"

I've seen Eunji mad. But this is way worse. She is way beyond just mad. She is enraged. Basically fuming with anger.

She pointed a finger at me, "Jimin, I am getting revenge no matter what! And that's that!" She said sharply, "And I'm doing this by myself. I don't care what you think or feel about it." She gave me an unnecessary cold shoulder and began to walk off again. I grabbed her hand and fiercely pulled her back. "No!" I yelled.

She looked at me. "I'm not letting you leave me again. I don't care what you think or feel about it. I am staying by you side whether you like it or not." I said.

She stared into my eyes for a moment and then nodded with confidence, held my hand tighter and started dragging me down the street. I was expecting her to argue back but she didn't.

We made it to the bus stop and were waiting for a bus when I actually thought about it. "...Um..but how are y-"

"Don't. It's settled. I know exactly what I'm doing. Besides, you demanded that you stay by my side, so I'm bringing you along. Unless, there's a problem..?" She looked back at me with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.

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