Chapter 16: Speechless

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(Sohyun's POV)

Class just started and I was ready to punch somebody in the throat.

'I can't believe him. Ugh, this is so frustrating! Does he really think he can skip school?! And of course his excuse is that he's sick. Yeah right, I'm not dumb.'

"Um Mr.Lee, may I use the restroom? It's an emergency." I asked sweetly.

"Well...sure since it's an emergency. But hurry up, I wouldn't want you to miss much. The beginning of this lesson is important." He said smiling.

I nodded. "K"

I politely got out of my seat and quickly walked out of class. I made sure that the door closed all the way, before storming in the opposite direction to my locker. 'I'm glad I don't bring anything to class otherwise that would have been bothersome to try and come up with an excuse as to why I'm bringing my binder and my book to the restroom with me.'

I found my decorated locker and opened it. 'I'm so done. I'm going to go see him and I swear if he is with...her then...'

"Ugh!" I screamed, earning some stares from two girls walking past. I glared at them, "What! Got a problem?! Go to class!" I yelled. They flinched and sprinted away. "That's what I thought." I said to myself. I grabbed my purse and slammed my locker closed. I stomped away as I flipped my hair out of my face.

'No, Don't cry. Don't cry.'

I walked out of the school and headed down the sidewalk.

I felt the knot in my throat tighten and my breathing become unsteady. 'It's not fair. Why does she think she can take him away from me? If she just never came here, then I wouldn't have had to threaten him into dating me again!'

I sighed knowing that wasn't the reason. 'Damn. Why am I so pathetic?'

I sighed. 'Deep breaths. I'm not going to let anyone see me like this. C'mon Sohyun, suck it up. Your not sad, your mad. Hell, your the queen of the school! I should be happy, but of course, I'm not.'

'I guess Dad was right. I'm never satisfied am I.' I huffed. I started to feel the tears building up.

I closed my eyes and took some deep breathes and began thinking.

I stopped walking.

"Wait, How am I going to get to his house?" I asked myself. 'Should I have Jin drive me? No, I shouldn't because he'll just bug me about what Eomma and Appa told me to take care of. Ugh. I really don't wanna go home today. Hey, if my plan works out the way I want it to, then I won't have to!'

I pulled my phone out and immediately thought of Jimin and what I had texted.

I put it back in my pocket.

"Should I take a taxi?" I questioned myself. 'Nah, they stink. And I would hate to know that there's a possibility my uniform could get dirty.'

"A bus?" I looked around for a bus stop. 'But they stink too. And they're all bumpy and obnoxious.'

'What should I do? The only thing left is to...No. I'm not walking. These heels are way too expensive.'

"they would end up hurting my feet if I were to walk for that long." I mumbled.


I jumped.

I quickly turned around only to see, an idiot. "Um, excuse me? Who are you and who do you think your talking to?"

"A girl. Now, move." He said and walked past me bumping my shoulder. 'Oh No. Today is NOT the day to talk to me like that!' I caught up after him and blocked him by standing right infront of him, "What did you say? For your information, I am not a girl, I am a young lady!" I said crossing my arms.

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