Chapter 18: Friends

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(Jimin's POV)

I was sprinting. The tears that were once running down my face were now permanently stained on my cheeks. Everything is numb. I look down at my hands and see that they are shaking. I don't know if it's because of how scared I am or if it's because of how cold it is.

I slowed down my pace and stopped moving in general, and in that moment, I felt my legs ready to give up. I collapsed on the cold cemented sidewalk.

'I've already went to three other stores, searching left and right for her, and found nothing.'

I slapped myself.

'I need to get it together. I can't give up.' I thought as I got up and began to run and look for another flower shop anywhere nearby. "Please be here. Please let me find you." I said to myself as I found and ran inside another small nearby flower shop further down the street.

There was a little jingle as I swung the glass door open. I scanned through each isle in hope of somehow finding her, but there was no luck.

She wasn't here.


I stood there with my head down as my sweat was getting worse. I don't know how I could possibly be sweating in this ice cold weather, but I was.

I sighed as the tears started forming again.

'Keep going.'

Once I finished searching the store for the third time, I left the building. "Where else could she be?" I whispered.

'Oh my god. What if Sohyun brought her into a dark alley far far away from here? What if she took her out of the city and has already killed her? What if she's been dead all along, and I've been doing all of this for nothing?'

I yelled in frustration and fell to the ground as I messed up my hair. 'Why is this happening?! What did I do to deserve this?!'

(Eunji's POV)

I felt guilty because Taehyung paid for the flowers -I left my wallet in my purse that was at the hospital- I told him I would somehow pay him back for sure.

I smiled as I looked at the beautiful Stargazer Lilies. They were absolutely gorgeous and they smelled a delicious sweet scent. 'She will love these!' I thought as Tae and I rode in a bus all the way to his grandma's house.

I looked at him. "Why are we going to your grandma's house?" I said curiously.

He stared at me blankly, "Um...I..she...she loves it when I come to visit her. Me and her are very close. She's my go to whenever I need somone..." He lowered his eyes.

Something about the way he said that made my heart cringe. It sounded like he experienced something terribly sad. I wanted to know.

"I think you'll like her just as much as she'll like you." He said softly as he nodded.

"Oh, well then I can't wait to meet her." I smiled sweetly.

Just then a wide smile spread across his face and his eyes look like they were about to pop out of his head which made me laugh.

"You need to try her chestnut cookies! Oh my god they are like taking a bite into heaven!" He closed his eyes and made a face as if he was biting into it. I couldn't help but giggle.

"I hope it's as good as you say it is."

"Trust me. It is." He said seriously causing me to laugh.

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