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In the morning, Rika dressed in a black suit for her first day of teaching. She grabbed her motorcycle, and rushed to Ouran Academy.

Rika parked her motorcycle, and walked confidently into the academy. She scanned her instructions, muttering to herself as she walked to her new classroom.

 "Music room three, huh?" she muttered, looking up. "Well there's one, two, and where's the third?" She stopped in her tracks as she saw two grand doors. "Ah, here it is!" she exclaimed. She pushed open the doors, and stepped back. She was ready to begin.

Haruhi Fujioka walked into Music Room 3 at the end of the day, expecting to find the host club waiting for her with some extravagant cosplay. Instead she heard the soft music of a piano. She curiously pushed open the door and looked inside.

Rika Fujioka sat at a grand piano that stood in the center of the room. She tapped out a few chords, surprised to find that it was perfectly in tune. She smiled, letting music overtake her.

Haruhi stepped into Music Room 3, and discovered a lone figure seated at the grand piano. All of the Host Club's furniture had been removed, replaced with musical instruments of all shapes and sizes. She looked out in amazement at the array of different instruments, her eyes finally settling on the woman seated at the piano. Her eyes widened as she took in the familiar figure.

 "RIKA!" she yelled, running towards her older sister. Rika stopped her music, and looked up at Haruhi.

 "HARU!" she exclaimed, running to meet her halfway. The two sisters embraced, seeing each other for the first time in years.

The Ouran High School Host Club walked to Music Room 3, expecting to start their day of hosting. Instead they discovered a tearful reunion in the middle of the room. Haruhi was in the embrace of an older girl with long black hair. The girl was clearly a few years older that Haruhi, and not a student.

 "I can't believe you're teaching here, Rika!" Haruhi exclaimed. The other girl, apparently Rika, let go of Haruhi and held her at arms length.

 "I can't believe that you go here!" she replied. "Father told me that you switched schools for High school, but I never imagined that it would be Ouran Academy!" The two girls laughed for a moment before they separated.

 "What's going on here?" Tamaki demanded, rushing to separate the two girls. "What are you doing to my precious little daughter?" The second girl glared at him flatly.

 "Get away from my sister," she ordered in slightly accented Japanese.

 "No!" Tamaki replied. Rika's eyes narrowed, and she sent a spinning kick that sent Tamaki away from her sister. She jumped in front of her sister protectively.

 "Haruhi, care to explain yourself?" she asked.

Rika, Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, Kaoru, and Hikaru sat in Chairman Suoh's office.

 "We demand our club room back!" Tamaki said cooly. Rika crossed her arms.

 "It's my classroom now, so deal with it," she argued. "I am your teacher, so you do as I say."

 "But Haruhi's debt-" Kyoya began, silenced by Rika's strong glare.

 "Her debt you say?" she asked. "And how much, pray tell, is that?"

 "Eight million yen," Kyoya answered, the syllables falling easily off of his lips. Rika pursed her lips.

 "I'll bring it tomorrow," she promised.

 "How?" Tamaki asked. "You're a simple commoner!" Rika shrugged.

 "Watch me," she answered easily. With that she swept out of the chairman's office, Haruhi following her.

A/N: Sorry  about the lack of quality in this chapter. Maes Hughes just died...AGAIN...and I don't have the emotional strength to do anything but cry about his funeral

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