-Friday Night Lights-

Start from the beginning

"Escape how can I help you" I said answering the phone.


So listen you still interested in doing that girl group? I don't really know you I don't chill with females like that, they always bringing drama and I have enough of that on my own. Come on Tionne you know this is your dream girl and plus you know Ian is into managing now. Ian! You mean from the record store? Yeah, he got one girl already he looking for two more to make this group. I don't know...What don't you know? Do you or do you not want to be famous? I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this salon. Don't get me wrong I am so thankful for Ms. Harris giving me this opportunity but this ain't how I pictured my life like at all. Sheri was looking at me like come on you know you want to do this. Fine when is the audition I said wiping my hands on the towel. Next Friday night I'll call Ian and let him you know you're interested.

I can't believe I am doing this but if I ever wanna get this show on the road I gotta take that leap of faith, I guess. I finished out my shift and closed up the shop for Ms. Harris. You got all your stuff Noelle? Yeah I got it. We walked over to the car when Dallas and some of the dudes from the skate rink pulled up. Yo Ti you going to the battle tonight. Naw I am on kid duty I said looking at Noelle. Hell bring her with you it's the skating rink how much trouble can she get into there. You don't know her she gets in trouble crossing the street. Hey that's not true she said making a face at me. 

Come on you know you wanna go and plus yo man gonna be there. Shhhh!!! I said making him shut up. No one knows that me and Troy are still dating, mama told me to get rid of him years ago but I couldn't it was a complicated situation. He stopped with the hitting and now it's just the mental control thing.

Titi you got a boyfriend Noelle said with her hand on her hip and a smirk. See what you did Dallas! My bad nigga well you coming or not? Yeah let me take her home and then I'll be there. Ugh are you serious I gotta stay home while you go to the skating rink. You should thought about that before you got into the fight at school. Ughhh please Ti I promise I won't be no trouble. You say that all the time Noelle and every time...this time will be different and besides I know your secret now, surely you don't want me at home with mama knowing that. You wouldn't I said narrowing my eyes at her. Guess you'll just have to find out when you come home from the skating rink.

I know this little girl is not blackmailing me right now! Fine but you do what I tell you to do and don't be running off when we get there either. And if you so much as breathe a word to mama about my boyfriend I'll let her start coming to get you when you get in trouble. And I know you don't want mama leaving work in the middle of the day to come get you from school, do I make myself clear? Yes Titi! Good come on we gotta go home and get fresh before we roll up to the skating rink. An hour later we were ready to go. Should we leave K a note so he won't worry about us? Naw he out with his friend's right now we'll be back before he will.


Ti rarely lets me go to the skating rink with her, she always says that it's no place for me to be at. But I think it's because she just don't want me putting salt in her game. Who knew she had a little boyfriend all along though? I wonder if it's Trey though, I saw them that one night making out on the couch. He had his hand underneath her shirt and then she started making these weird noises and grinding on him. I about broke my neck trying to get back to the room when I thought she saw me spying on them.

The skating rink was already packed and it was only 9 on a Friday night. Then again it's always packed from Friday through Sunday there is always folks here. I guess it's better that we all be here than out running around in the streets. Okay so you know the deal right she said stopping me before we got out the car. Yeah Ti I know do whatever you tell me to do, no back talk, and whatever I see when we are out stays between us. My girl she said dapping me up. She paid for us to go into the rink. You want something? Yeah a drink but I got money I said reaching in my pocket and pulling out the 10 dollar bill. Where you get money from? Hey I can't tell you that, but just know when Kayo does stuff he has to pay to keep me from telling. She started laughing alright I am gonna be over here when you are done come over there she said walking over this secluded section of the skating rink.

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