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"It's gonna be okay, I'm here now." Rick assured holding me on his arms as we sat in his hotel room.

"I just, I don't know how to thank you, you're the only one I could turn to." I cried muffling my words while inhaling his Sean John cologne.

"It's okay, I'm always here. I dont know how anyone could hurt you."

"No one loves me, no one... Not even my mother."

"Shhhhhh, it's alright ... Don't say things like that... You're beautiful , intelligent, and have a lot going for yourself, your mother loves you. I love you." He whispered kissing my forehead and wiping away my tears.

"You love me?" I repeated looking up at him.

"I love you.. You know that. I just want ant to protect you from all of this..."

"I wish you were mine, I always end up with the worse." I mumbled feeling my emotions flooding through like a broken levy.

Rick kissed my forehead again having his lips took every place on my face until he made it to my lips and we began to kiss passionately.

I felt myself getting weak and giving in to his love. All I ever wanted to feel was love. The feeling of his soft lips caressing mine, made me submissive to his every want and need.

I began to wish that the child I was carrying belonged to him. Happiness was so far fetched from the state of mind I was in before being in his arms.

The motion of him moving away from me and departing snatched me from my only moment in heaven.

"Wha--what, did I do something wrong?" I asked noticing him looking away.

To be continued...

"No, it's just... It's late, I'd better get you home." He answered releasing his hold from me.

"Is it because I'm pregnant?" I asked, knowing that was the untold truth.

"No ofcourse not."

"Well then is it because of your wife?"

"No, it's not any of that Madison, it's just late... You've been threw a lot."

"So you basically think I'm damaged goods."

"MADISON stop it. It's not that! I just don't think now is the time for us to---."

"It's fine I get it, you can take me home." I interrupted, gathering my belongings.


"You know I'd never want to hurt you Madison." Rick said as we pulled up in front of the sorority house.

"I can count the times I heard that." I mumbled putting my Purse onto my shoulder.

"I'm being honest, you mean a lot to me. I want to take care of this first, before anything else."

"Yeah i know."

"Can I ask you something?" Rick questioned, bringing the mood to a more serious tone.


"The baby? Do you want to keep it?"

I looked down at my developing stomach and grasped the baby forming within the hump. If there was ever a time that I needed to come up with a decision, it was now.

"I'm not sure yet." I answered.

"Well..... Whatever you decided, I'm behind you one hundred percent. You'd make a great mom." He added, with a smile that I wasn't too sure about.

I nodded before wishing him a good night and getting out.

On my way upstairs I bumped into Vanessa.

"Are we really going to walk around like we don't see one another?" She asked with a face of pity.

"I don't think I have it in me to talk to you right now." I replied still upset at the situation.

"Look I'm sorry, I only told him, because I thought it would stop him from harassing you." She explained sadly.

To be continuedddd....

Thanks guys for all the votes & Reads!! It means sooooo much to me, thanks a lot!!!

Comment comment comments , I would love to interact with you all about the storyline... 😌😌😌

"Yea well it didn't, maybe you should mind your business."

Vanessa looked away inhaling a deep breath.

"Okay you're right, I just care about you... Can I tell you something?" She asked sincerely looking in my eyes.

"Tell me what, Vanessa?" I asked unenthusiastically.

"I really think you should press charges."

"Uhg! Tell me something I don't know, why does that mean so much to you?" I asked sarcastically.

Vanessa's eyes began to tear up as she bit her bottom lit struggling to make eye contact with me at this point.

The entrance of tears beginning to roll down her eyes, struck me and threw me off instantly.

"Ness what's wrong?"

She swallowed hard finally giving me the eye contact and beginning in a broken but low tone.

"The day I told him, that you were pregnant and he had no right to rape you....." She paused physically shaking.

"He threw me up against the wall and wrapped his hand around my throat, and told me....... If I didn't talk you into getting rid of it or if I even told anyone.... The same thing would happen to me." I pulled her into my arms quickly comforting her as her body shivered and she drowned me in tears.

I couldn't help but feel bad about the entire situation. I didn't want to end up like my mother bitter and hard without any emotions. My heart melted for Vanessa and what she did on my behalf. Now I understood everything now and why she reacted the way she did.

"I'm so scared." Vanessa cried sobbing beyond comfort.

"It's okay it's okay." I repeated over and over until she slowly began to catch her breaths.

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