I laughed. "Cool huh?"

"Yeah!" I let him marvel at the animal a little longer before I tugged him along.

All in all, we stayed out pretty late. Their bedtime is 7, and we were out till 6. Spencer had already beat us home when we got there.

"Okay," I said as we got in the door. "Dinner, baths, bed. Got it?"

"Got it," they both moped. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic they were sometimes.

We ate dinner as a family and talked about our days. Eli went on and on about the lion, and how he wishes he could be one. Spencer sat there giggling at them being so excited about the zoo. When we were finished, I bathed them and took them to bed. As I tucked them in, they seemed restless.

"Thanks for taking us out mommy," Ellie said as I tucked the covers around her.

"No problem, sweetie." I kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, I'll see you both in the morning."

I went into Spencer and I's room and sat on the bed with him.

"You feel okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"I feel really good, actually," I said. "I think I'm ready to get off my meds and get to work."

"Are you sure?" He asked. Before I could answer, a loud thump came from the kids' room. We hurried over to them, just to find them playing on the floor. One of them had knocked the toy bin over, which got them into trouble.

"You two are supposed to be in bed, are you not?" Spencer reprimanded.

"Yeah.." Eli said guiltily.

"Why are you up?" He questioned. I had to keep myself from laughing because he was so bad at scolding them. They were so easy to make guilty though, so it didn't matter. As Spencer bantered with them, they would occasionally look at me. While Spencer nagged at them one last time, I sent a wink and a smirk to my frowning children, which made them grin a small bit. In our family, I was deemed the joker of the house, because I didn't get onto the kids for small things like this, only major stuff.

"What's so funny?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing," they giggled. I tried to stifle my laugh but failed.

"Do you think this is funny?" He asked me. I nodded.

"I think it's hilarious," I laughed. After a few seconds, he broke into a grin.

"Okay, whatever," he laughed. "Clean up your mess and get in bed, okay?" The kids nodded and went to work. We told them we loved them and then went back to the bedroom.

"When they turn into delinquent teenagers, it's your fault for not punishing them," Spencer joked.

"I think they'll turn out just fine," I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and gave him a light squeeze. He laughed and I felt the vibrations through his back. He turned around in my arms and kissed me.

"Hmm," he hummed against my lips. "Then I'll take the credit for that."

"I'm sure you will."

He kissed me a little longer before we broke apart. I gave him a smirk.

"I'm sure the kids are asleep," I said. It had been a good 20 minutes.

"Just what are you getting at?" He asked, faking astonishment.

"I think you know," I giggled. I kissed him deeply and passionately, something we had lacked for a long while. He led me by my waist back to the bed. We sunk into the sheets together and I pushed him back to look at his brown eyes. They held so much love. I missed this side of us.

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