Chapter 32

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Maddie's POV

The next couple days after my pity party, Spencer was extra careful with me. He would hold my hand when we weren't doing anything, keep an arm around my waist if we were walking or just give me small hugs and kisses here and there. I could tell he was afraid I'd up and leave after what I had said, so I would return his affection most times and smile at him. I knew I wasn't going anywhere, because where could I possibly go that would be happier or safer than where I'm at?

I got up early with him on Monday morning. It was 5 in the morning, and he had randomly woke up and shaken me awake. We both had to work in a few hours. I was definitely questioning his sanity.

"Look at the sunrise," he instructed. I looked over at the window that sat in the wall beside our bed. It was a perfect view of the sunrise above the neighborhood.

"That's gorgeous and all, Spence, but what on earth woke you up?"

"I dunno, I'm weirdly awake though. I don't want to go back to sleep."

I sighed, getting frustrated because I was tired. "Can I go back to sleep?" He laughed and nodded at me. I laid down and closed my eyes, however I didn't go to sleep. Something kept me up, and I blamed Spencer for that. Oh well.

Once we started getting ready for work, he admitted he was tired again.

"Do you think Hotch would get mad if I called in sick so I could sleep?" He asked. I laughed at him from across the room.

"You probably shouldn't tell him it's to sleep if you do," I suggested. "But you could probably get away with it."

"I'll just text him instead. He'll probably know I'm lying, he is the captain of a profiling team." I laughed at his vocalized thoughts and finished up getting ready.

"Okay, well whatever you do, let me know. I have to go to work though," I leaned down tow where he was on the bed and kissed him lightly. "I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." He waved as I stepped out of the room.

I drove my 15 minute drive to work, somewhat dreading the day. I wasn't totally in the mood for my coworkers. Something felt off, but I shrugged, pushing through the double doors and taking the elevator to my floor. As soon as I got up there, my boss called me into his office.

"Dr. Reid, a word?" He waved me over. I still wasn't used to being called that after hearing Spencer called it so many times.

"Yes?" I asked after he shut the door.

"I'm afraid I've got some bad news," Brunswick said.

I sighed. "Let me hear it."

"Due to budget cuts, I have to let a few of my staff go. One of those few is you. I'm saddened to have to do this, but I don't have much of a choice." He sighed, looking discontent. I nodded. I wasn't too upset, just worried about the bills and stuff that needed paid.

"It's alright," I said firmly. "No hard feelings. Good luck, and call if you guys ever need anything." I stood and shook his hand.

"Thank you. Take care of yourself." I nodded and left the building, turning around and going right back home. Once I arrived, I found Spencer sitting on the couch, lacing up his converse with his little messenger bag slung around his shoulders.

"You're home early," he said with a weird face. "It's 9 o'clock."

"Yeah, I come bearing some not so great news," I sat next to him and leaned back into the couch.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Dr. Brunswick had to lay some of his staff off, and I got the boot." I ran my hands down my face and let them fall to my lap.

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