Aint nothin' but a gangster party

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The music was blaring and of course the drink and drugs were flowing. I had lost count on how many lines I had done. At one point I had to go and sit in the corner, to try and not focus on dying. I must admit though I was having such a good time. I came out of my shell a little more and started to chat away to the girls. I didn't dare to ignite a conversation with his men. Whenever they would speak to me I would just nod my head and laugh, keeping my eyes on J the whole time. He didn't like it when I made eye contact with them, let alone speak to them. I felt like even when I was chatting to the girls, he would tense up. One of J's men was slurring in my ear, talking about the time he fucked one of the dancers called Alexis, who was funnily enough, on the other side of me. He was being extremely graphic with the details. Mimicking with his hands how he 'demolished her from behind'. I felt uncomfortable and had a eery feeling that things could go from 0-100 real quick. I glimpsed over at J. He was sitting back in his seat. Left hand gripping onto the arm of the chair, whilst the other was tensely holding onto his gun.

Just as he was about to act, he was interrupted by one of his main men whispering something in his ear. His jaw tensed and he let out a growl. He nodded his head at me, gesturing for me to come and sit next to him. As I went to get up, one of his men who was talking to me grabbed my arm.

''Hey where you going, baby?'' he asked.

J shot up immediately and swooped over. ''If I was you, I would take your hand off of her arm, now.'' he said in a very firm tone, pressing his gun to the guys jaw.

The guy lifted up his hands ''OK, OK, sorry boss I didn't realise she was with you'' he stuttered

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The guy lifted up his hands ''OK, OK, sorry boss I didn't realise she was with you'' he stuttered.

''You're a liar. But thats fine. You're lucky I don't want to upset my little Kitten over here... 'Mike'' he called. ''Take care of him''.

J quickly escorted me across the room to his chair whilst muffled shouts and cries were heard behind me. I turned around and the guy was gone. I didn't dare question his actions. He was quite and started to cut up more lines on the gold tray. He cleaned up his lines and let out a laugh, whilst rubbing the remainder of the powder from his fingers, onto his gums. ''Mmm come here baby''. He said wrapping his arm around me. ''Take this for Daddy'' he purred whilst emptying a small bag of powder onto the corner of his hand. I licked my lips, and pulled my hair back, sniffing it and wiping my nose. He slapped my upper thigh and gripped onto it - tight. ''I have a present for you''. He smirked. I let out a grin whilst clapping my hands ''You do, Daddy!?'' ''Mmm, Yes, I do. But you've been a bad girl tonight and bad girls need to be punished. I tell ya what though' He said edging off of his seat. 'Because it was your birthday yesterday, Im willing to reconsider''. '' You are?!'' I asked, eyes lighting up. He let out a growl. ''Follow me.'' He said holding my hand and leading me to the back of the cigarette smoked filled room.

We entered into a back room that had thick, dark wood panelled walls. There was an elevator waiting with two of his men standing on either side of it. J's hand pushed a button which didn't have a number on it. It was symbol which had his famous Joker emblem on it. The lift shook and we smoothly ascended. He suddenly turned to me and grabbed my face. ''Do you see the things I would do for you, Kitten? Id kill my own men for you.'' He suddenly stopped and released his grip on my cheeks. ''You're just so.....'' he trailed off clenching his fist in front of my face, and then holding it in his mouth, his body melting against the elevator walls.

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