Miss Blah Blah Blah and Mr. Bleh

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The sneak peak into the next story of the Mentally Retarded series before I tell you who Twyla Winchester our MR leader is.


"Who wouldn't love being kidnapped?"

"Nobody but you!"


If there's one word to describe Alegra Hush it is Miss Blah blah Blah. I know that doesn't count for one word... nevermind... It's the end of my thinking capacity.

Sebastian Knight. There's one word to describe him too. Mr. Bleh. The poker face of his is just so impenetrable that people think it is made of wax until... you know what happens.

Oh wait! You don't unfortunately. Until Alegra gets kidnapped on her own will.

A short story which includes one non sense girl called Miss Blah Blah Blah and one no non sense guy called Mr. Bleh.

Second book - a standalone two shot of MENTALLY RETARTED series.

Make sure you check it out.

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