MR Songs

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The amazing Friendly Dragon wrote MR songs for Twyla. She is such an amazing song writer so ping her if you want a lyricist. 

These songs are totally suitable for the story and you can sing it whenever you like it and dance your own tribal dance. What's life without a little fun?

Have song suggestions? Write it up in the comments.

Hello! By Twyla

Hello from the Twyla Side.
I must've scared you a thousand times...
To tell you there's a spider, right on your face...
Don't scare the hell out of it now, will you?

Single ladies by Twyla

All the single spiders...
All the single cockroaches...
All the single Giants...
Put your hands up.

Twyla style feat FriendlyDragon478

Op op op opp oppa Twyla style...

(since oppa stands for a guy, I made some changes to the word)

No no no noo Noona Twyla Style...
No no no noo Noona Twyla Style...
Hey Giant baby! No no no no...
Hey give me cheetos!  No no no nooo noona Twyla Style.

Spiderman feat FriendlyDragon478

Spider Twy, spider Twy...
Wrecks havoc coz she's an MR...
Spider Twy, spider Twy...
A huge lover of cheetos...
Spider Twy, spider Twy...
Decided to date the Giant Guy...

Pocahontas song feat FriendlyDragon478

Bacon and pizza we will not eat them...
Coffee is really gross, so we will not drink it...
Balloons are on my mind, I don't know why...
Chimi chimichanga another random word on my mind...

Ring dong bell by Swethaa

Ring dong bell...
I put the Giant in the well...
Twyla is watching me...
Kicking me in...

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands by @booty_had_me_like-oh

If you're MR and know Tribal dance...
If you are happy and you know it tribal dance...
If you're MR, you know it and your actions really show it...
If you are MR and you know it...
Tribal Dance...
Yeah *jazz hands*

Have any other song suggestions? Just pop it up in a message and we amazing MR team are ready to post it any time. All credits to the song writer.

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