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Before I could even blink (because I don't know to wink), another day rolls by, and thankfully today is not disastrous like it was yesterday because:

1. I didn't run into the Giant Guy.

2. I'm in good spirits.

All thanks to the lucky charm of the skinnies I am wearing. It's my favorite, and whenever I wear it, I feel like I'm on cloud ten.

Oh is that cloud nine?! Never mind then.

I take care not to frighten the little new students in the Uni with my tribal dance which I do when I am happy. Also, I created a new tribal song for my tribal dance. And it suits it really well. I'll look like a crack head when I sing and dance it. But that's what I am, an MR.

Balancing a looooooooooooong stack of books and holding them right in front of my face, I make my way to the nearest table. It's a huge mission for a klutz like me to carry books without dropping them. Just when I'm about to celebrate my victory I get hit by another huge stack of books.

I turn around just in time to come face to face with the familiar blue eyes along with the smell of rain drops. My ears must be chimneys, as I can feel the hot fumes coming from them. Like how it is in Tom and Jerry.

"Wow! Just when I feel happy that I didn't run into you for the whole day, and just when I thank heavens for that, here you are! Of all places, the library!? You are-" My words are cut off with a hand placed over my lips. He pulls me to the most deserted corner of the library and my arm feels like it would get removed from my socket if I was pulled any longer.

"Start," he says when he has cornered me. I gulp nervously. Start what? Start singing or should I start dancing?

Okay, I'm horrible at dancing. Maybe I should try singing.

"Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind-"

I start with a wrong note, not caring to smoothen my breaking voice. His hand comes down instantly clapping it over my mouth. He turns around apologizing to the people who are giving us stares. I know I'm horrible at singing, it's too sad that he didn't know that.

"Start what?" I ask, meeting his blue eyes with my black ones when he moves his hands away from my lips and gives me an angry stare.

"Oh, just start your rant already. You are disturbing the majority of the people who need peace, including me. That's why you're here," he says, waving his hands in air.

His deep voice sounds like melody to my ears. Did I mention the fact that I hear Jingle bells in my ear?

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle jingle jingle.... Shit I forgot the lines.

Oh, and did I mention that I feel a wave of nervousness that starts with sweaty palms and a thumping heart, along with a wave of nausea?

Today, he's wearing a red tee with the same blue jean I saw him in yesterday. His hair is messy and flying in all directions. All the girls will definitely be drooling over this tall man, but not Twyla. Though he is hot, he makes disgusted faces and that disgusts me.

"And why is that you are here with me?", I ask him back, raising my eyebrows and ignoring all the signs my body was making. Not wanting an answer, I shove him away with my hands and walk towards my table.

I pick up all the books lying on the floor and stack them neatly into a pile on top of the table. They are books of photography, all from different authors. I place them in the farthest corner of the table, so it would take him some time to get it.

THE GIANT GUY Where stories live. Discover now