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Two stars in the endless dark sky. They twinkle so very often and seem to be very near.

Am I dead? 

Oh my god!

These are gates of heaven and I'm getting close to there. But my bucket list is still full, I haven't done a single thing! I can't die so soon, I should ask god to give me a few days so that I can fulfill them.

Twelve wishes in my bucket list.

1. To sit in a bucket and make bubbles.

2. To enjoy a long swing under a tree with someone to push me and if they don't push me too hard I'll kick them.

3. To wear a black outfit in the dead of a night and roam in the street for a minimum of 10 minutes and scare some people on the streets

4. To visit Disney World at least once in my lifetime and ask Mickey Mouse to marry me right there.

5. To go on a rollercoaster ride and sing "Rock of ages" all throughout the ride.

6. To eat a huge tub of ice cream completely, not bothering about the fact that I'm fat and if I can't finish it, dump it over someone's head.

7. To dance in the rain with a chocolate in my hand and cry if it runs down.

8. To visit a lot of European cities like Venice, Paris, Swiss. Go to Eiffel Tower and shout to everyone that the tower is falling as I bombed it.

9. To go on a long road trip on a motorbike and shout something incorrigible all the way.

10. To spend one sleepless night on a rooftop along with someone who can tolerate my awesomeness and play along with me.

11. To wrap my head in an aluminum foil and go around yelling "They are coming".

12. To bath is chocolate rain and popcorn rain.

None of it is complete yet!

But I'm dying!

Nooo! Please no! Don't take me away!

I want to live! Someone save me!


Slowly I open my eyes and narrow them into slits. I eye ball the entire atmosphere which is too white for my liking. I like gloomy ones as in horror movies.

So this overly bright place must either be heaven or a hospital. I have always had a thing for hospitals. But why am I here? I was supposed to be at home or wait at college, with the Gi-

He's not my friend to tag along everywhere!

Gee! I now remember! I became Jill as I had tumbled down the staircase like a snowball.

I look to the right when a giggle caught my ear. There there this is definitely not heaven coz someone is sitting next to me and giggling at my actions!

My eyes adjust to the atmosphere and that someone is none but Vida! The best part is she is not giggling at me but at something in her hand which turns out to be some paper.

I clear my throat first but that didn't seem to gain her attention!

"Yaah! Does that paper in your hand seem so important to you than looking after me? I'm in a hospital witha a broken hand", My voice is still raspy and god knows how long I've been sleeping. It is patchy and broken.

I try to throw my arms in exasperation but the sudden movement gives me pain.

"Ow", I cry. My hand is packed like a burger in a white cast, and I realise that I now have a broken hand.

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