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Music on side! This is my another favorite :) the video is great too!


"Come on spiders bite! ", he says whining like a baby.

"No they don't!"

"They do! And what are you going to with that spider in your bag!?"

"Why do you care so much for that spider? I'll give it back to you take care of it and breed it into a big tarantula!"

"No! I'm good thank you! Well I was wondering since you're a witch and maybe you are going to brew a potion with it-", I cut him off.

"Yeah and give it to you so that you'd become a spider man"

He rolls his eyes and gets back to work. At least he finally realized that victory is impossible when arguing with me.

My stomach starts grunting every second. It feels like there's a monster sitting on my stomach and grumbling that it's hungry. I try shutting it up but that's a really bad monster right there.

I would even eat papers if they weren't dirty. I try smelling them to find if my stomach would accept it, but it is stale and the old paper smell is nothing compared to the ones of books. I feel like shredding it into pieces and eating them no matter how bad they stink.

"What do you think of Cheetos? ", he asks looking at me.

"You have Cheetos? ", I jump to his bag and open it before his eyes could even land on his bag. I grab the packet and open it inhaling the unique smell of Cheetos! Nothing feels like heaven as this!

I lick the cover not leaving even a small crimp. When I'm done I notice him staring at me wide eyed.

"Want some?"

"No! Thanks. I have no plans of dying so soon by eating that poisoned Cheetos", I decide to ignore his comment this time. But comebacks are my thing.

"I didn't pee in it. And there isn't any left even if you need some! And from tomorrow on you are going to buy me Cheetos! "

"What am I? Your milk man? ", he asks raising his eyebrows. Does he think he looks so handsome? I can raise mine too!

"Nope! My Cheetos man! ", I raise my left eyebrow sending him a wink on my right.

"Touché", he says. He holds his gaze at my bag.

"What-", I cut him off again knowing what he's about to ask.

"If you're gonna nag me about what I'm going to do with that spider, save your words! You're not having an answer from me and it's a surprise after all"

"You're a total nut case"

"Took you so long to realize that! Now stop ranting and start clearing this mess before the Mr. Ja-Hee comes! "

I take the empty Cheetos cover to dump in his bag.

"That must be dropped in the dust bin you crack head"

"That's why I'm putting it in your bag you monkey brain", I zip his bag and place it down. He's making murderous actions at me.

"You're so frustrating you klutz"

"So are you Mr. Giant Guy"

"Just because I'm taller than you doesn't mean that I am a Giant. I'm not even that tall I'm just 6'2". A foot taller than you maybe-", I cut him again.

THE GIANT GUY Where stories live. Discover now