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Red's POV

I walked back into the house. How could Jin? He had all of our friendships and just threw them away. And for what? Some 14 year old girl. Unbelievable. I walked in and sat down next to y/n.

" Hey everything okay at the offices?" y/n asked.

" Yeah. Adam just wanted to make sure everything was okay" I lied.

" Oh okay. Well while you were gone Morgan offered to take us to lunch. How bout it?" y/n asked.

" Sounds good. Where are we going?" I asked.

" I was thinking Rio City Café" Morgan said.

" I love that place" I said.

" I know that is why I picked it" she said.

" Yay! Lets go" I said.

Time Skip To When You Get To The Restaurant.

It is just as I remembered it. It was not that crowded either. Awesome.

" Right this way" a waitress said.

She led us to a table of three. " What can I get you to drink?" she asked.

" Lemonade please" I said.

" That for me too please" y/n said.

" I'll have coke please" Morgan said.

" I'll be right back with those" she said.

" Thank you" y/n said.

" So you guys meet at SkyMedia right?" Morgan asked.

" Yeah we did" y/n said.

" So what do you do there?" she asked.

" Oh I'm a PA. And sometimes I'm in videos" y/n answered.

" Oh that's cool. When we get back we need to watch those. I want to see you work" Morgan said.

" If you want." y/n said.

" Y/n is very funny. You will love them." I said.

" I'm sure I will" she said.

Morgan's POV

I need to break them apart. He belongs with me. No one could appreciate him the way I would. He belongs with me. He will love me. She can't possibly know him like I know him. That's impossible.

" Hey Morgan? Where do you work?" the brat. I mean y/n said.

" Me oh I work as a secretary for a child care center. They have another lady who does the same thing and we alternate days. Today is my day off and so is tomorrow. The next two are mine and then we switch every two days." I answered.

" Oh that's cool." she said.

" Here are your drinks. Are we ready to order?" the waitress asked.

We all ordered. When Red was talking I saw her look over at me from time to time. She must be smarter then the last one. She must know how I feel about her. I laughed to myself. Smart smart girl.

After we finished we all went back to my house to watch the videos she was in. We were watching the one where she was beating up Max.

" Wow. You be strong y/n." I said.

" Nah. Just smarter then Max." she answered.

" Lier. You be very strong" Michael said.

" Heh well I took martial arts. Max and you didn't" she answered.

" Fair" he said.

Her phone beeped and she looked down. " Hey it's Vanessa. Your grandmother is at the house." she said.

" How is that important?" he asked.

" Oh um it's not. You can stay here if you want. I'll be right back." she said.

" No I'll come with. I need to talk to her about some things" he said.

" Okay. Well it was nice meeting you y/n" I said putting on a fake smile.

She did the same and said " You too"

" Bye Morgan" Michael said.

" Bye Michael see you later" I said leading them to the door.

" Yep bye" he said.

I need to get rid of her. She is a distraction. I am the only girl for him.

your POV

We were walking back home and I asked " So what is your grandmothers name?"

" Her name is Ida." he said.

" That name sounds familiar" I said.

" Huh" he said.

" It really does. Let me think" I said.

" Okay" he said.

Ida. Why does it sound so familiar? My mom had a friend named Ida. She hated me. She blamed me for my dads abuse towards my mom. It can't be the same Ida. No. She would hate me. Never even let me in the building. We walked into the door.

" Oh here she is. Mom this is Michaels girlfriend y/n" Rachel said.

" Oh it's nice to- oh it's you. How did you get here? I'm not letting you date my grandson. Get out. I said get out! It's your fault-" she started.

" Grandma what's wrong?" Red asked.

" Get her out of this house. She is not going to the funeral. She doesn't deserve it. She is evil. Evil I say. Get her out. I said out!" she said pointing to the door.

" Okay I'm leaving. But don't drag them into this. They don't deserve it. They are a nice family. Leave them out of it and I'll leave. Promise?" I said backing towards the door.

" Promise" she said.

" Okay I'm leaving. See you all later." I said walking out the door.

" y/n wait. What was all that?" Red asked coming after me.

" That was my moms friend. I don't remember how they meet. But Ida blames me for my mom staying in the relationship with my dad. She hates me for it. Ida was like a big sister to my mom. Even if they were far apart in age. I can't be in a room with her. And I'm sorry but that means the funeral. She would never let me in" I said.

" Hmm. Let me talk to her" he said.

" What am I supposed to do. And don't say Morgan. I think it would be to awkward between us." I said.

He thought for a bit then said. " Have you ever heard of Okward Industries?"

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Where stories live. Discover now