This part is brought to you by true friendship

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Okay so my friend was supposed to take me to martial arts but she either didn't go or she forgot me. True friendship. So my response is to watch YouTube, Write another part of my story, and eat chocolate. Now to start the second thing I said I would do.    

Your POV

When I woke up I remembered yesterday. Red, Olivia, and the graves. Again odd combination. Today I needed to do two things. Go see my dad and tell Adam about my past.

Time skip to after breakfast

"Ready to go guys?" Barney asked.

" Yay let's go" I said.

" You have got to be the only person happy to go to work this early." Barney said.

" She is an alien"  Red said pointing a finger at me.

" Wow. Rude. And I say again maybe the food was better" I said.

" And you are calling me rude" Red said.

" You bet. Come on lazy pants I have stuff to do" I said. I grabbed Red and Barney by the wrists and pulled them out of the house.

" Today we have to do a x-run. Me and Red" Barney said.

" Well that is your problem. I have my own. But I will make you a deal. I will sit with each of you and do the level you are stuck on. I may not be able to do it but at least you wont be raging. And all you would have to do is commentate. Fair?" I asked.

" Fair." they both said. 

Time skip to at the offices.  

" Hey Em is Adam in a recording?" I asked as soon as I found her.

" Ummm" she said looking at her papers " Not right now. No" she answered.

" Thanks Em" I said.

" Of course" she said.

I ran to his office. He was not there. Then I checked the kitchen. Bingo. " Hey Adam"

" Hey y/n" he said.

" So remember when you asked me to tell about my life?" I asked.

" Oh my god yes. Are you going to tell me?" he asked.

" I. I have to" I answer.

" You don't have to I just want to know. I know I might have seemed rude at first but if you find a strange girl at your door what do you do?" he asked.

" Exactly what you did. And I still want to tell you" I said.

" Great. Let's go to my office" he said leading ,e away from the kitchen to his office.

" Okay now tell me. If you like that is." he said.

" Okay. So um I loved my family. And all was perfect. Then my Farfar died. That is fathers father in Swedish. After that my dad started drinking. And he started to pick on me and my mom. Um he would just yell at her, push her around. Her never hit her. Only me. Now my mom didn't know. He threatened to drop me in the middle of nowhere. Even though I know martial arts I still let it happen." by now I was starting to cry " and so after about two years of this. My 18th birthday rolls around. My mom and sister go to get me a present. Next thing I know. Boom there dead. After that I go to bed and my dad drinks. At like 3 he comes in and beats me up. Next day is my birthday. He made me breakfast. Now at first glance I thought this is weird. Turns you there was some sort of drug that put me to sleep. Next thing we know I'm taking a nap on your doorstep. I got Red to take me to my old house. He tells me that the funeral was on Christmas. He lied. It was just another excuse to beat me up. But he took it further. Look" I said. I rolled up my shirt and sleeves. " He blames me for them dying"

Adam's POV        

He made marking on her body. " How is this less bad then my life?" I asked.

" Well your bad things happened with people you love. I just had a lunatic father." she answered rolling down her sleeves and shirt. She was crying.  

" Y/n you need to tell the police" I said.

" Already done. He is in jail. I want to go see him. " she said.

" Why would you want to see him. You said yourself he is a lunatic." I asked.

" I want know why and tell him that he has lost." she answered.

" Well let me do one recording then we can go on my lunch break." I said. I want to go with her to make sure she is okay.

" Oh no I'll figure it out I don't want to drag you into this" she said.

" Well you need someone to drive you don't you?" I said.

" Fine you can come. But you will not talk yo him. Okay?" she said.

" Oaky" I answered.

Maybe I have more in common with her than I thought.  

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