I'm sorry ( still a chapter)

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Hey guys so I'm going to be gone for like two weeks. So that means no updates. That is why I tried to update as much as possible. But in August the only thing exciting is my grandma is coming. So ya. Oh there might be one tomorrow. But there might not be. So maybe see yah tomorrow. If not byee see ya in a few weeks!

Red's POV By the way you guys are sitting on the table. Also I don't know how old Red is but in this he is 20.

She just said she didn't want anyone to know. That is probably a good idea. The guys are kind of crazy. She said something about me not liking her. How on Earth is that even possible? She is an amazing person and friend. She does not deserve the life she was given. I mean no one does. But her? I mean she thinks of herself as a disappointment. How? Maybe her dad. He is such a sick man. He carved the words 'you killed them' on her. He needs to go behind bars. I just need his name. But I don't think she will give it to me if I ask in front of people. No one but me knows about her dad. I think she wants to keep it that way. I mean it should be her to tell anyone she wants about her dad. It is not my secret to tell anywise.

" Michael" she said.

" What. Why did you use my first name?" I asked. I was used to her calling me Red.

" I was trying to get your attention. After calling Red for five times I used Michael." she answered.

" Sorry I was thinking. Hey how would you feel about your dad in jail?" I asked.

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Where stories live. Discover now