try trusting

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"I don't believe you" he said.

"Well you have to cause that is the truth." In my old house you had to be a good liar. 

"It's not."

"And why is that?" I asked Red.

"I don't know. Maybe it is because you woke up on our doorstep, you ran to the bathroom crying, and we don't know ANYTHING about you." he listed off reasons as he counted on his fingers.

"You know everything you need to know about me. Wait you get mad at me for you not knowing anything about me, all I know about you is that you make videos for a living and your name is Michael. That is ALL I know." I was getting mad, even though I was telling a lie.

"Fine!" he through his hands in the air. He was mad. It scares me when people are mad. Whenever my dad was mad I got hit.

"Um I know m-my w-way back t-to the o-offices. I-I can w-walk." I stuttered.

"Why?" he asked calming down.

"I just w-want t-to" I answered still scared.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Y-Yes" I mumbled.

"Okay" And with that he left out to his car and started driving.

I started walking back. I used to walk back from school. I just finished school. ( School ends near Christmas Okay) I saw a car drive by.

"I said I was fine walking" I said still walking. There were no cars so he could go at my pace.

"I know doesn't mean I can't be here with you."

" I thought you were mad at me" I hugged myself, making me feel safer.

"I was, but you have a good point. I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me." he checked for any cars.

"True, true I'm pretty smart aren't I" I smiled.

"Very" he said smiling " You want a ride?"

"Why not?"

He stopped the car and I got in.  

"I'm sorry I was so defensive." I said looking out the window.

"It's fine. But you have to trust someone."

I looked at him confused " What do you mean?"

"I mean no one knows you. And I can tell you're hurt. You need to tell someone what's wrong" He sounded concerned.

"I've never trusted anyone." I said.

"That can't be true. What about your mother and father when they were alive," he asked

I froze. I did trust my dad. Before he started drinking. Then he did and he broke that trust. That is why I never trusted anyone. " I did. My dad" I started tearing up a bit, why am I still like this?

"How did they die? If I can ask" he asked carefully.

"In a car crash" I said. I WILL NOT tell him he is alive unless it is necessary.

"I'm so sorry. " he responded automatically.

"It's fine" I've always hated when people say it like that. It's all they know what to say and it sounds so forced, practiced.

"But that doesn't explain why you don't trust anyone" he pushed.

"I have my reasons."

"Okay" he said dropping the subject for now.

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Where stories live. Discover now