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The Closure


After 3 years

Khanna Residence

A cute 3 yr old girl hopped on the bed and gave Jai a peck ....she opened her story book and started reading a fairy tale to him.....Jai smiled...a tear came down his eyes....the girl softly wiped it and spoke in a cute voice; ''Papa says friends can make each other happy....I am your friend Mamu....we will play soon together...''

Neil walked into room and called out; ''Jiya ...come baby time to leave'' Jiya kissed Jai again Neil caressed Jai's forehead with love.....Jai was looking at him with a lot of hope....Neil kept his hand on his forehead; ''Jai we have forgiven you....and you will walk....that's a promise of your childhood friend '' Jai's eyes started pouring with repentance....Neil understood... ''Radhika has also forgiven you turst me....I will ask her to visit you....'' Neil lifted his doll up and walked out after giving Jai a consoling smile ...

RYTHYM Evening

Radhika was teaching a group of 10 girls....and one of them was doing it perfectly....she was youngest in the group and Radhika's favourite ....her sweet hrt 9 yr old Sia she was growing into a beautiful girl...with big dark eyes sharp features .....once the practice was over...Radhika dismissed the class...Sia hugged Radhika from behind; ''Mami I am tired....can we have an ice cream....but please without these guards...I feel trapped'' spoke Sia pouting

Radhika turned her around ; ''Yes baby have I ever said no to you....and these guards are there because your Mamu and dad loves you''

Sia; ''I know you love me the most.... this is why Mamu is jealous of me'' Radhika laughed hugging Sia...

Arjun watched them from the door....and let out a storm from his arm which slowly tumbled towards Radhika...''Bunny''

Radhika banged her head; '' Arhaan its mummy not bunny ....leave all that...how is my baby....'' Radhika pecked her 1.5 yr old son...Arhaan wriggled out and held SIa's finger...'' Didi'' Sia loved her baby brother her only teddy...she cuddled him and Radhika turned to Ajun; ''Stop calling me Bunny....you look tired''

Arjun; ''You should have seen your parents house....if you are masters in creating chaos your son is a Phd....me and dad were lying dead on the floor !....so you and Sam are having girls evening''

Radhika ; ''yes and you and Neil will take care of kids....''

Arjun; ''As you wish Ma'am...come Sia baby time to go home'' Sia smiled but ARjun found her smile little artificial...he grabbed her arm waved Radhika and left.....once in the car....Arjun asked; ''Sia what's troubling you''

Sia; ''Mamu I don't want to go for a boarding school.....I want to stay here..with all of you and Arhaan'' Arhaan clapped hearing his name

Arjun applied breaks; ''What??? Where did that come from....???''

Sia; ''Dad wants me to write the entrance examination for top notch schools....and once I am done...he would send me to US...he said its good for my future''

Arjun looked at Sia...he recalled his childhood....he was 10 when he was sent abroad....he knew how alone he was...but this won't happen with Sia...Arjun caressed her head and softly spoke; ''Give me a hug doll...'' Sia obliged....Arjun held her protectively; ''I promise you will stay here till you are ready to go and study abroad....and your Dad....I will handle him...now smile.....'' SIa squealed loudly hugging Arjun tight.... ''Mamu you are the best.....and I love you'' Arjun pecked her forehead; ''And Mamu loves his baby the most''

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