Chapter 39

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Anger...setbacks...failure are part of life....but it should stop you from celebrating what you have...and fight for what you believe in...Sam will do the same now



Piyali was furious; ''Sam married Neil...stupid girl...I had selected a prince for her and she chose a peasant Neil''

Jai; ''Relax can be in our favour...if Neil supports us we can be stronger in BS...just let me handle wrong step...and Sam can sign everything in Neil's name...

Piyali; ''You are not understanding...Ayan could have helped us with money to buy off our shares...but now Ayan will sue us...''

Jai; ''let me handle this you relax'' Jai's POV; 'I need to use this in my favour'

US Airport

Aradhika and NeSam were at the airport waiting for the boarding....Neil went to buy coffee and Sam got a call from Jai...she excused herself and answered; ''Hi Bhai''

Jai; ''hey baby Sis...congrats...I am so happy for you''

Sam felt relieved; ''Thanks Bhai...atleast someone his happy''

Jai; ''I know what it feel like spending life without the one you love...Sammy...don't worry...I will make everyone accept your marriage...Sammy you need to do a favour for me ...Pleas convince Radhika on my love''

Sam felt betrayed more bargain....she turned and looked at Radhika...she was animatedly talking to Arjun...and he was just watching her...forgetting everything around him...for Arjun..Radhika was his world...Arjun was giving her all the attention Radhika was demanding..he smiled lowered himself and pecked her cheek...Sam smiled and answered Jai; ''Bhai its good if you forget Radhika.... she is into a committed relationship...and he loves her lot...I am ok with everyone's anger'' Sam disconnected and walked to Neil who had joined the conversation with Arjun and Radhika...she looped her hand around Neil arm and held it tightly...and got herself involved in the conversation.

Once the boarding announcement was made....all the four boarded....once they took off...Arjun spoke to Radhika; ''Bunny you promised me that you will do what I want you too...for those 15 days in India without me''

Radhika; ''yup I did...tell me tiger what do I have to do''

Arjun; ''I have hired a body Guard for you....his name is Hukum Singh...his family had been with us for 3 generations...he will be with you...till I am back in India''

Radhika made a face; ''Are tying me down...??? Its not needed....and I am not a celebrity....what if my parents and others got to ''

Arjun; ''Bunny you promised....and no will know even you won't be able to see are my life I can't leave you unprotected ...please...I don't trust Jai''

Radhika; ''Neil will handle him...and why Neil I can handle him too...why are you so worried''

Arjun; ''You were Neil's responsibility in mine....and don't ignore petty things...obsession can be dangerous''

Radhika smiled; ''Can I kiss you'' Arjun blinked she was smart she knew how to change the direction of conversation...but he had made his mind up...Arjun softly replied; ''Let us reach our destination Bunny....won't allow you to breath'' Radhika blushed kept her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Destiny...Passion ...Obsession(#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now