Chapter 50

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After the darkest night ...arrives the brightest morning...


A week later a phone call shook Khanna residence...Police informed Samrat that they have found Jai in a serious condition....Samrat and Piyali rushed to the hospital...Jai was lying with all tubes and equipments attached to his body....according to the eyewitness Jai was robbed and brutally assaulted by a group of thugs while he was on a run....Police explanation made Neil smirk who had accompanied Sam to the hospital....Piyali cried looking at her son's condition....Sam had tears too...but she was composed...Samrat suddenly felt aged...he had a hope of bringing his son on a right path...but all looked like a dream now...Piyali heart was burning...she stormed out of the hospital with Sam and Neil in Tow...she snatched the keys from the driver and drove off....Neil knew what was she upto...he quickly followed her ....Piyali kept banging Mishra's door till it was answered and to Radhika's bad luck she was the one to do it....Piyali glared at her with pure hatred; ''You are the reason for Jai's condition....what was his fault ....he loved you....wanted to marry you...but you had rich caught hold of Arjun Mehra...why would you look at Jai...he was nothing infront of him''

Dilip interfered ; ''Enough to me not to my daughter''

Piyali; ''Why not??? your daughter used her beauty quite well...she kept on luring Jai and then when she got a better option...she just chucked'' Radhika closed her eyes to hide her pain

Sam who entered after few minutes stood infront of Piyali; ''Mom you should leave''

Piyali; ''You too are shot your own blood for this girl...''

Sam; ''Mom let's leave'' Sam tired taking Piyali with her but she jerked Sam away...Sam stumbled and Neil held her...but by now Dilip was furious

Dilip; ''Only you are son tried molesting and then killing my daughter...and you have guts to stand inside my house and point your finger at my daughter....Piyali you are the biggest mistake Samrat committed...and we all the bearing the pain...your son cheated his own father...his company....stalked a girl...what did you do...nothing....he played with the trust of his own sister ....he is the reason Sam lost her child....what did you do...nothing....I understand your pain....but no one has the right to scar my child...please leave'' Radhika walked inside her room and closed the doors...Neil knew she will again seclude herself....

Sam took Piyali to her car she calmed herself and looked at Piyali; ''For once open your eyes and differentiate between right and wrong....Uncle is right you are responsible...this family stood by us in our thick and always knew Radhika was knew what plans he had for this innocent girl...yet you did nothing......Mom! You created this should have stopped him...stop hurting others...'' Sam dropped Piyali home....and left ...she stopped her car on the side and leaned on the steering crying hard... ''wish I could change everything''

Radhika was not herself again....she was quite...she dialled Sam...; ''Sammy I am sorry...I never wanted anybody hurt''

Sam spoke in a soothing voice; ''Chashni you did nothing wrong...stop being guilty...and I am sorry for Mom's behaviour''

Radhika; ''If I knew my rejection would cause this....I would'....''

Sam cut her off; '' you would have said yes...and then you would have committed suicide due to his insane desire for you ...Chashni its not your listen to me...I have to get back to your marriage preparations...this is my biggest have to help go rest and tc''

Destiny...Passion ...Obsession(#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now