40/La petite femme

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La petite femme means the little woman
(You can play media now, but you don't have to. Sorry by Beyoncé)

"Perfect gentleman." Avan repeated.
"Good boy." Tatsu smiled then walked away.

Laurent was laughing at Avan then turned to say something to Larry but he didn't see him. He turned all the way around but Larry had already walked into the club. He nodded for Avan to follow and turned the corner entering the club.

The club was crowded. Laurent was greeted by several familiar faces and a few pointed the direction that Larry was headed when he asked. After a quick scan he still didn't spot Larry but he did spot Ryoko almost fall out her low cut dress. She was up in VIP with a bunch of other girls getting turnt. They were dancing and singing at the top of their lungs. Tatsu was walking over to join them.

"Suck on my balls, pause, I had enough! I ain't thinking bout you! Middle fingers up, put them hands high! Wave it in his face, tell him, boy, bye!"

Laurent smiled when he saw they were performing for and trying hard to get Lyra to join them.

"Now you want to say you're sorry! Now you want to call me crying! Now you gotta see me wilding!
Now I'm the one that's lying! And I don't feel bad about it! It's exactly what you get! Stop interrupting my grinding." 

Laurent spotted Lyra but she was just looking at the group of girls dancing.

"YOU INTERRUPTING MY GRINDING!!" The other girls shouted and started gyrating and bouncing around each other. They sang loudly and laughed as they took turns dancing around Lyra while she shook her head at them.
"I ain't thinking 'bout you!" They all sang.
"Sorry," Lyra sang. The other joined as they rocked their hips to the beat, "I ain't thinking 'bout you! I ain't thinking 'bout you!"

"Lau?" Avan touched his arm to get his attention. Laurent leaned his ear closer to listened. "How do you know King?"
"How you know King?" Laurent asked turning towards him.
"I don't. I heard things about King like he run this group called the Family and they're all dangerous. They say King the most dangerous to make mad." Avan looked up at Laurent laughing.
"I don't know about that, but that no sound like anyone I meet. They all good people." Laurent said then looked around again for his brother.

Before he could continue looking for Larry he was approached by Ryoko. Avan smiled and tried to introduce himself but was completely ignored as she focused solely on Laurent.

"Cass asked if you wanted to come to VIP?" Ryoko smiled politely at him. He nodded then asked.
"You try for flash everyone earlier?" Laurent smiled at her.
"No." Ryoko laughed. "This way," She pointed towards the stairs in the corner then walked in front of them.

Avan stared at her round rear as she climbed the stairs to VIP but stepped behind Laurent when he saw the scowl on Wall's face at the top.

"Who this?" Wall stood in the way.
Q stared at Avan.
"His friend." Ryoko said rubbing Wall's arm until he let them by.

Ryoko walked over to the others dancing in a circle around Cassandra. Lyra was sitting with her head tilted down listening to KK when Laurent stood beside them.  


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