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As Lyra feared, both brothers visited every time they were in the state. After she was sure Laurent understood she felt uncomfortable with him kissing her randomly and without permission, she didn't mind spending time alone with him. Laurent would take her sightseeing, or play video games or she watched him play sports. He treated her nice when Larry wasn't around, nicer when he was.
Larry on the other hand, continued his pattern of piss her off followed by placing his lips on her then leave her speechless. Nearest she could figure, he was trying to seduce her, so she thought it was in her best interest to resist him until she convinced him to stop.
Until then she only went out with Larry if Laurent was with them.
Lyra tried to be polite when they were always approached by females. She learned most of their fans were female but an impressive amount were more than fans. She could usually tell based on the initial looks on their faces when they saw her. Stank eye/side eye usually meant more than fan, while a wide-eyed 'look a unicorn' gaze usually meant fan.
Either way she realize her 'global harem' assumption was correct. She also noticed Laurent seemed to have better control over his 'girls' than Larry. Or Larry's women have no idea how to handle him telling them he's busy.
Lyra did tons of solo activities with Laurent. So far Lyra only managed to convince Laurent to do one elevated-height activity; hang gliding. She was still working on skydiving. He got her to go ice skating and try go-carting for the first time. She beat him in go-carting and was as graceful as a drunken newborn calf on the ice.
Laurent laughed and teased her for weeks because of how often she fell and slid across the ring on her butt. She teased him about screaming like a girl when they were running off the cliff for hang gliding and being too chicken to try skydiving.

When Larry wasn't pissing her off, Lyra noticed how close the brothers were. She admired their devotion to family and the love each has for his mother, truthfully Lyra envied it.
Her own mother, to put it nicely, is a snobbish, power driven social climber. She attached dollar signs to everyone she associated with and treated them accordingly.
When Lyra was younger, she was forced to be friends with the uppity daughter of a woman that her mother was desperate to cultivate as a friend in order to elevate her status. Not that she would complain now, Ashlie had became her best friend.
Lyra was grateful to her parents, they raised her. They made sure she received the best education that afforded her many excellent opportunities.
She realized years ago her value to her mother was low, when her mother blamed Lyra for being raped because she had one drink at her 21st birthday party. Lyra believed her value decreased to less than nothing the moment she refused to marry Chris. "You should be happy I found some one willing to accept damaged goods." Her mother rationalized.

Lyra was in the middle of a business call when Laurent texted he was pulling up. She opened her door, hugged Laurent briefly, held up her finger to tell him to hold on, before turning her back.
"No, find a solution for this problem." She walked to her office. Laurent walked behind her and leaned against the open door. "I expect a resolution by Tuesday morning." She hung up with a sigh and turned around to Laurent.
"Sorry," she apologized before her eyes landed on Larry standing behind his brother. "Hi." She spoke but he seemed to ignore her. She shrugged returned her attention to Laurent, "What's up?"
"Club?" He asked.
"20 minutes." She answered heading to her room. "You know where everything is."
Laurent walked to the living room while Larry looked around.
"You need a tv!" He complained making Lyra laugh.
"I have millions of songs, just play some music Laurent." She replied.
Larry looked around Lyra's house while Laurent skipped through her music. Lyra put a mountain bike, skis, and a surfboard all on hooks around the walls of her house. There were several new photos of her on a motorcycle surrounded by a bunch of guys on motorcycles. Larry thought she looked hot.
"This okay?" Lyra asked as she walked back into the living room.

 "This okay?" Lyra asked as she walked back into the living room

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