Chapter 43: Escape

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~8 months later~
"AHHH" I yelled in pain as my dad lashed me with a whip.
"100! Ok you've had your 100 whippings today time to eat." He said plopping a plate with a soggy pb and j. I was so weak I could barely reach it. But I started regaining my energy after eating.
"W-water?" I whispered. He kicked a dog bowl filled with water to me and I drank.
"8 months." I whispered. "8 GOD DAMN MONTHS!" I yelled. "Why don't you kill me!?! Haven't I suffered enough?!!!!?" I yelled.
"Aw sweet heart it's just the beginning. You don't know how much hell I was put through. Now it's your turn." He said pointing a gun at my chest.
"I could kill you right here right now." He said laughing. "And I will...." He said cocking the gun. I looked down thinking about Baekhyun. It's over I'll be dead in seconds. I looked back up to face my father one last time and as he was about to pull the trigger the door slammed open.
Baekhyuns POV:
It's been eight months since I've seen Amanda. All the members thought she was dead. They've all excepted it but were never the same. I wouldn't admit it. The second I believe she's dead is the second she dies. I know she's alive.....and I'm gonna find her. Everyday I always looked around. I've started living with the guys in our door again. Everything in her house reminded me of her. I could forgive myself for letting her go.
"I'm going out." I said leaving the door.
"Where are you going?" Kyungsoo said.
"Where do you think." I said and slammed the door and started walking to Amanda's. On the way there I walked by an abandoned house and heard a yell. I ran to the door and listened in.
"8 GOD DAMN MONTHS!" I heard someone yell.
"Amanda!" I whispered and slammed the door open. I saw the dad pointing a gun at her.
"Over hear dumb ass!" I yelled and the dad turned to me.
"Oh Baekhyun it's been a while. It's great to see you." He said locking my head with his arm pointing the gun to me.
"LET HIM GO!" Amanda yelled trying to brake to rope she was tied together with.
"It's ok." I smiled at her. "Let her go!" I said sternly to the dad. I looked down at the gun and realize it wasn't loaded. I looked at Amanda and mouthed. "Not loaded" and looked at the gun. She gave a small nod.
"YOU DUMB ASS AFRAID TO KILL ME?!" I yelled distracting him. Amanda kicked a knife off the table and cut herself loose. She got up and grabbed a gun and aimed it at her father.
Amanda's POV:
I grabbed the gun an aimed it at my father. He turned and looked at me.
"Oh please I'm you father you wouldn't kill me." He smirked. He went to the table and grabbed a knife. He was about to stab Baekhyun when I said.
"Watch me." And I pulled the trigger. My dad fell down to the ground dead. I looked at Baekhyun and back at my dad then to the gun in my hand. I dropped the gun and ran. Ran as far as I could. When I finally was out of breath I saw myself in the middle of the street and I walked to the sidewalk and to the drug store. I bought some painkillers water snacks a bag and some bandages. I walked back home and grabbed my phone I saw on the nightstand and a Baekhyun poster. I was heading downstairs when I saw Baekhyun at the door. I looked down and ran right pasted him. 'I can't believe I killed someone! I'm so going to jail' I thought. I couldn't say so I booked a flight to China. Where I can forget about EXO. Where I can restart my life.

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