Chapter 14: Kimpab

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Amanda's POV:
The car ride home was really quiet and awkward. No one would talk. I kept on thinking what Baekhyun was in such a bad mood and ended up dosing off.
Baekhyun POV
Everyone was just silent. The way back home, no one said a single word. When we finally got home, I ran upstairs to Amanda's room and shut the door. I didn't have anything on except my boxers and the hospital night gown. I ended up just taking the gown off and went under the covers and tried to sleep, hoping to wake up from this all being a dream. A few minutes later, Chanyeol barges in closing the door behind him.
"DUDE, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT?!" Chanyeol asked pissed.
"What?!" I shouted back.
"Why are you in such a shitty mood and why did you shove Amanda, she thinks you hate her now!!!"
I thought for a while about Amanda and how we were when we just met in the store yesterday. Tears started forming at my eyes as I said, "Who cares? She has Kai now!"
At that moment, Sehun comes running in.
"Do you guys know where the bandages are?" He asked.
"No why?" Chanyeol asked walking to sehun.
"Amanda was trying to make kimbop for Baekhyun as a welcome home sorta thing and she cut her finger," Sehun explained. 'Just have her boyfriend kiss it make it feel better' I thought. I laid back down and covered myself with the sheets. I heard the door close after Chanyeol and Sehun left. At that point, I snapped recalling the images of Amanda's lips on Kai's. I broke down and cried my heart out until eventually I feel asleep.
Amanda's POV:
I didn't know what was wrong with Baekhyun. I wanted to welcome him home from the hospital so I tried making some kimbop. In the middle of cutting vegetables, I accidentally cut my finger. I rinsed the blood off and asked Sehun for a bandage. He ran upstairs only to come down empty handed. I just put a napkin on it and continued making my kimbop. When I finally finished I put it on a tray and headed upstairs. My foot started to heal so I could actually walk. I knocked on the door of my room. "Baekyhun?" I asked. There was no answer, so I just opened the door. Baekyhun was laying on the bed sound asleep. I went to my desk and placed the kimbop on it. I walked over to Baekyhun. I grabbed the desk chair and placed it next to Baekyhun and took a seat. I looked at his face taking in all his cuts and bruises. "I'm sorry Baekyhun" I said, tears starting to fall. I leaned back when I heard him let out little noises kinda like a dog whimpering. At first I was confused, then I recalled Chanyeol saying he does that when he's really tired. I just watched him and took his face in my hands and kissed his forehead. He started moving and I pulled away. "Hey you're up! I made you some kimbop if you're hungry."
"What is~ " he said pointing to the napkin around my hand.
"Oh, I cut myself but it's ok, I'm fine." I said with a smile. He moved the covers and sat up. Taking the kimbop. He started eating while I was watching.
"I hope you like it." I said taking a piece for me. Baekhyun let out a aggravative moan slamming his head back on a pillow.
"Why are you being so nice to me?!" He shouted. "I've been nothing but a douche to you! And why are you here taking care of me? Shouldn't you be with Kai?!" Baekyhun snapped tears falling down his face.
"Kai?" I asked.
"I saw you two kissing in the hospital! You thought I was still asleep but I wasn't. Imagine getting in a coma for a day for getting hit by a car, and then waking up to find the love of your life kissing another man!! Not to mention the man's my best friend!" He shouted.
"No, Baek, you don't understand!" I said trying to calm him.
" NO AMANDA !! You don't understand! Do you know what it's like to get betrayed?! Betrayed by your best friend and betrayed by the one person you love most in life!!" He said shouting. "Just go!" He yelled. I started to run downstairs and was about to head outside when Chanyeol grabbed me
"We don't need anymore people getting hit by cars" he said trying to lighten the mood.
"Chanyeol, you don't understand. He hates me" I said through my sobs. "He told me to go! I should have never dated Kai I just was so worried about Baekhyun and wanted to get him off my mind so I gave Kai a chance. Just because I couldn't admit it." I cried.
"Admit what?" He asked putting his hands on my shoulders.
" T-That I l-love him Chanyeol! I love Baekyhun!"I said as I fell to me knees...

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