Chapter 29: Ideas

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Amanda's POV:
Me and Baekyhun decided to go to bed and leave the crew downstairs.
"What was that about?" Baekyhun asked. I looked away and avoided his gaze. "You can tell me Amanda. I won't get mad." He took my hand and sat on the bed and I sat on his lap. He pressed a kiss on my cheek and said, "you can trust me." I squeezed his hand tighter." Yesterday when you were taken the members and I were talking and Lay started talking about you and me and our first date and our first kiss and stuff." I started. Baekyhun just laughed and kissed my temple, "and Kai got mad because he hasn't gotten over me so he left and Suho went with him and then Luhan got really intrested about our first kiss. Sehun left and Luhan told me he hasn't kissed anyone." I said. Baekyhun just sat their listening still holding my hand. "Then he wanted me to kiss him just so he knows what it feels like and I did I kissed him but it was just a friend thing we said it was nothing more and we don't have any feelings for eachother." Baekyhuns eyes widened. "Y-you kissed him?" He stuttered. I nodded "yes but we have no feelings for eachother whatsoever it was just so he could see what it feels like." Baekyhun nodded slightly but I could see a little bit of sadness in his eyes. "Ok if you say you don't have feelings for eachother then you don't have feelings for eachother." He said. He started to lay down and I did as well. I started drifting of when Baekyhun moved and headed downstairs. I grabbed my computer and started listening to music. I went in Spotify and pulled up Baekyhuns solo 'beautiful'. Baekyhun came pack upstairs with a glass of water.
"You know just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean you have to listen to my music." He said laughing.
"I'm not listening to it for you. You know I was a fan of you before all this." I laughed. " I enjoy your music." I laughed. "This is one of my feels songs too." I said playfully punching him.
"Feels songs?" He chuckled.
"Yes I have 4 feels songs that give me the feels." I said laughing. "Number 1 is 'Promise' 2 is This song" I said pointing to the computer. " 3 is baby don't cry and 4 is you solo ''my turn to cry." I said explaining.
"Why are 2 of them my solos?" He asked laughing with a smirk.
"You were my bias when I first started listening to EXO."
"We're?" He asked saddened.
"Well you aren't my bias anymore your my boyfriend." I said laughing.
He smiled and hugged me. "That's ,1000,000,000 times better. I was still on the computer while Baekyhun was next to me falling asleep. I looked at my email and saw one for medical school. I clicked on it and it told me about a school studying program to become a doctor. It was a 2 year corse. I thought about applying. But I closed my laptop and pushed the though aside and tryed to find a book to read. I went to my dest and found a child hood book I haven't read in ages. I picked it up and flipped threw it when a piece of paper fell out. I set down the book and picked up the paper. It read:

Dear Amanda,
I know appas in a bad position right now but one day I will pass and I'm not sure if Appa will continue getting in trouble or man up and be a good father. Anyways one day I will pass and when that day comes I want you to be able to live your life on your own so things you want to do and always try even if you don't succeed. I know you've wanted to become a doctor since you were very little and if you still want to I recommend giving it a chance! I love you and hope for the best. Xoxo
                              Love always,

I thought about what she said and the 2 year corse. I still wanted to become a doctor so I should apply. It starts in 2 months. But the only bad thing is that it's in Europe so I would have to leave for 2 years....I probably wouldn't get in anyways so I applied. I shut my laptop and fell asleep.

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