Chapter 15: Shut Out

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Chanyeols POV:
I was in the kitchen when I heard Amanda open the front door. I pulled on her wrist and stated. " we don't need anyone else getting hit by a car." Trying to lighten the mood.
" Chanyeol you don't understand he hates me" She said through her sobs. "He told me to go! I should have never dated Kai I just was so worried about Baekyhun and wanted to get him off my mind so I gave Kai a chance. Just because I couldn't admit it." She cryed.
"Admit what?" I asked putting my hands on her shoulders.
" T-That i l-love him Chanyeol! I love Baekyhun!"Amanda said as she feel to her knees. I kneeled down and whiled her tears and said," tell him then."
Amanda's POV
"I-I can't! He hates me plus you guys are leaving tonight. It's to late. Might has well walk away and forget about ever meeting. I hope you Annabelle will stay together." I said shaking his hands away. And heading to the living room. The only people left at the house was Chanyeol Baekyhun and lay. The rest of the members were getting ready for their concert and finding a place for them to say. I was sad they were leaving but I knew the time would come.
"BYE NOONA!!" Sehun yelled giving me a hug.
"Stay in touch Noona" Kai said giving me a half hug.
"I'll miss you!"Tao said.
"Thanks for not making me cook !" Kyungsoo said.
"Tell him Amanda you won't regret it." Chanyeol said getting some confused looks from the members.
"Byyyyyyyeeeeeee!!" Chen said patting my head.
"Bye Amanda!" Lay said.
"Thanks for letting us stay here. We'll keep in touch, arraso?" Suho said and I nodded slightly.
"Bye." Kris say.
"Thanks for all the bubble tea!!!" Luhan yelled.
"Thanks Amanda really" Xiumin said. Baekyhun just stares at me. I look away and go to annabelle.
" Have fun at the concert! Don't bring her back to late Chanyeol! We need to talk about our apartment together when you get back!"
"Arraso!!" She said excitedly. They all start heading out the door when I caught a glimpse of Baekyhun. He looked like he was about to say something but I looked away and ran upstairs before he could.
Chanyeols POV:
We all got into the van that Suho rented. Baekyhun looked really glum and didn't talk so I went next to him in the back of the van.
"Hey you alright?" I asked him. He didn't answer he just continued to look down at the floor. I pulled out my phone and was about to text Amanda when Baekyhuns phone got an alert. I looked at his phone and he message said.

Hey Baek I know we're not on the best speaking terms right now but we can just forget the last 2 days didn't happen, arraso?- Amanda

I whipped out my phone and started texting Amanda

YAH!! AMANDA WHAT THE HELL?!? Baekyhun feels bad enough that he messed up with you he's not even talking he just stares at the floor thinking about you! That text message is gonna make I'm feel worse!!!-Chanyeol

Sorry sorry but it's what's best I'll probably never see him again anyways!- Amanda

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Baekyhun. I put my hand on his lap and asked,"Are you ok?" He didn't answer as expected but he did mumble.
" I let her go I let her go to damn easy I LET HER GO TO FUCKING EASILY!!!" He ended up yelling. All the members looked back at him then to me. I shrugged my shoulders and secured to sleep the rest of the way there.
Amanda's POV:
I kept thinking about Baekyhun and what Chanyeol said. I knew I had to push him out of my head for the better. I started looking for apartments. Yesterday me and Annabelle decided that to get an Apartment together.
~end of concert~
I was watching roommate when the door opened Annabelle and Chanyeol came threw and sat on the couch.
"So are you guys staying together?" I asked.
" yea we are" Annabelle said.
"Good in glad for you guys. Oh Annabelle I decited that why don't you just move in with me in my place? It's easier and cheaper the finding an actual apartment."
" that's a great idea!"
"Good I'm glad you guys will live together! But we're gonna be gone doing concerts around the US for 3 months. So we won't be able to see eachother until we get back." Chanyeol said.

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