Chapter 33: Real Reason

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Amanda's POV:
I was laying on my bed crying I couldn't stop since he left. A few minutes I heard the the door slam open.
Chanyeol always came rushing in my room and yelled at me, "AMANDA WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?!?" I knew he was talking about my break up with Baekhyun.
"I just don't love him anymore." I lied.
"Oh really? Then why are you surrounded my tissues and holding a pic of you and Baekhyun listening to his solo 'beautiful' with tears down your face?" He said matter of factly. "Now tell me the real reason you broke up with him now!" He demanded. I knew I had to tell him.
"What are you talking about I'm fine! I know I was crying but that's because of the tv show I was watching turning the tv up and the music off.
"Really? Are you kidding me!? You cried watching A food network show?!?" Oh come on I thought.
"So.......tell me again you were crying over a show about cupcakes?" My mind was blank and I didn't dare say another word. Chanyeol sighed and took a set next to you turning of your tv but I avoided eye contact.
"Amanda" I heard him call my name but I refused to look him in the eyes. I looked at my phone and had 4 missed calls and 32 texts. They were all the guys worrying about me asking if I was ok. I placed my phone at the nightstand and looked at the floor. Chanyeol then pulled my chin up with his hand making my swelled eyes look into. Out of all of EXO Chanyeol was the closest friend I had but I couldn't tell him. Instead I thought of a mother lie I could use
'What if I say I loved someone else. Or that I'm suddenly into girls not boys. Or what it.......agh I can think of anything right now!!!' I thought.
Chanyeol removed his hand and said, " stop thinking so hard of another lie to tell me and tell me the real reason you broke up with Baekyhun." 'Damn it' I thought. I had to tell him. "You can tell me we are still best friends you know?" He said giving a smile.
"I know...." I said in a whisper trying to hold back my tears but couldn't.
"I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone ever. Especially not Baekhyun." I said. He game a slight nod. " a few months ago I applied for a medical school in England. Last week I got a call saying I got excepted." I started. " I didn't think I would get in but I really wanted to go. I didn't know how to break it to Baek so I just broke up with him. I'm leaving in 2 weeks and will be gone for a couple of years. I thought it would be best to end it." I finally ended. It took longer cuz I explained with tears rolling down my face. "So do you think I'm doing the right thing." I slowly looked up.
"YOU IDIOT!! How can you call that the right thing!?! I'm SOOOOOO telling Baekhyun about this!!" Chanyeol said getting his phone out.
"No you promised! You can't!" I said tugging at his shirt.
"Do you know how Baek is? All he does is stay in bed crying looking at all your old pictures and videos. He rarely eats or talks!" He yelled.
"No not again. CHANYEOL you have to help!!!" I yelled punching him.
"How can I he misses his girlfriend and when he was available she broke up with him and lied about not loving him!! The only thing that can help him is you Pabo!!" He yelled.
"Can't you see I'm doing this for him!" I yelled.
"Hmm lets see he loves you you love him you broke up just beacuse your going to study when you can come back and be with him. It's not an act of love it's an act of pure stupidity!!!" He yelled back. After that he stood up and said. " I gotta go Annabelle waiting at the movies for me. I would ask if you would want to come but you look like a zombie." He laughed.
"I'm hurting all over and you dare make fun of me." I said rolling my eyes. "Hey it's better seeing you angry then crying." He shrugged.
"But really think about what you did, I know it will be hard dating him when your in Europe but I believe you guys will make it work" he said and he left. I just layed in bed looking at an old pic of me and Baekyhun getting bubble tea. He was kissing my temple his arms around my waist.
"Am I really doing the right thing?" I asked myself and fell asleep.

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