Chapter 13: Break Up

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We finally arrived at the hospital and went to the front desk to see what room Baekhyun was in, B13. We took the elevator up to level B and stopped in front of door 13. I slightly knocked at the door while opening it. I saw Baekhyun laying on the bed with cuts and bruises everywhere. My eyes started watering seeing him in this state. He was out cold in a comma. I took a stool chair and sat next to Baekhyun. He was wearing nothing but a hospital gown but still managed to look adorable. He was 3 shades lighter then normal. I grabbed his hand and slowly drawled circles with my fingers repeatedly over his wrists.
Kai put his hand on my shoulder. I snapped back remembering the other members were here. I hugged Kai as I started crying on his chest. The nurse came in and stated, "it wasn't that bad of a hit, but he got knocked out by shock, he should be up today or tomorrow." She smiled and closed the door Chanyeol Annabelle and Suho followed out.
"Amanda we need to talk..." Kai said.
"About?" I asked afraid of the answer.
"Us." He said. I looked over to find an uncomfortable Sehun staring at us.
"Well I'll give you two some alone time..." Sehun said walking out of the room. When the door closed I looked to Baekyhun then to Kai.
"Amanda.... I know you have feelings for him."
"What?" I asked.
"Baekyhun.... I know you love him. You look at him the same way I look at you." He said looking down. "I understand.." Kai said
"Thank you, Kai. And the perfect girl will come, just be patient." I said giving him a hug.
"Can I at least have a goodbye kiss?" He asked blushing.
"Sure" I laughed and went on my tiptoes to give a sweet peck on his lips. We both then got up and left the room meeting back with the others. Chanyeol and Annabelle were watching the tv that was playing in the waiting room and Sehun was on his phone.
"I just texted the members about Baekhyun's condition." Sehun said as I took a seat next to him.
"Thank you Sehun." I said avoiding eye contact.
Baekyhuns POV:
I don't remember what happened. The last thing I remember was taking a walk last night and everything went black. Opened my eyes slightly and saw I was in the hospital. I slowly looked around the room. I couldn't move that much and every time I did a searing pain sensation took over my body. I slowly turned my head to my left then I hear a whisper coming from the right. I turned my head a little and saw Amanda. 'She came to visit me? Even after the way I treated her?' I gave a little smile and saw she was with Kai. 'Not him again' I thought as I rolled my eyes. I wondered what they were talking about. I just kept staring at Amanda and her smile. I was about to say something to alert them I was awake, but then I saw Amanda smile and tilted her head to Kai giving him a peck on the lips. And after that they left me. "Oh good you're awake." The nurse said.
"Get me home" I snapped back.
"We won't be able to slow that until we get an update on your condoiti~" she said looking at a clipboard.
" I don't care get me home, now." And with that she helped me get out of bed, but I shoved her saying, "I'm fine I don't need your help." ' I wanted Amanda's help....'  I spotted Chanyeol and Annabelle and went to them.
"HEY BUD!!  You awake!" Chanyeol said sitting up instantly.
"Take us to Amanda's now!" I demanded.
"Baekyhun!!! You're alright!!!" Amanda came running to me giving me a hug. All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms, but no, she was with Kai...
"Don't touch me. I'm fine." I snickered shaking her arms off of me. "Let's go home."

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