Chapter 17: Appa

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Amanda's POV:
I went downstairs and heard sehun yell " NOONA!!!!!"  as he ran to me.
"Hey sehun" I said.
"Are you ok? You you don't look so good." Kyungsoo said.
" I'm fine. Have you seen Baekyhun?" I asked. Chen came up behind Kyungsoo and put his arm on his shoulder pointing to the couch. " Baekyhun?" I said. My mouth dropped at the sight of him. He looked at least 40 pounds lighter and 4 shades paler. He was starring at the floor.
" WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?" I asked. I turned to Chanyeol shaking. He grabed ahold of my wrists stoping me. My whole body started trembling as tears fell down my eyes and stained my cheeks.
"Well he hasn't been really eating or sleeping. Heck I think he would have starved himself to death if lay didn't force him to eat at least one meal a day." Chen said. "And all he does is stare at the floor."
" This is all my fault. This is ALL MY FAULT!" I said pushing Chanyeol out of the way running outside. I didn't know where I was and I didn't care. I just kept running.
Suhos POV:
Amanda dashed out of the house slamming the door behind her. Me Chanyeol and Kai ran after her at first." Everyone stay back we'll go get her. Everyone completely ignored me and barged out the door all except Annabelle and Baekyhun. We all ran out looking around for what direction Amanda could have gone in.
Annabelles POV:
"Baekyhun what happened to you? Your Nutella abs are Nutella nothing now!" I said trying to get a smile out of him. He just continued staring at the floor. A few minutes passed by before he replied.
"Why can I do anything right." He said. "No matter what I do I always end up hurting her. How? How!? HOW DOES HE DO IT?" He shouted. I took a step back from in while asking ," who?"
"Chanyeol how is he always so happy? How does he get you to fall for him so easily. How? How does he?" Baekyhun said not breaking his gaze at the ground.
" You know she loves you right?"  I said catching his attention. "she just can't admit it. Start by apologizing then become friends with her and make her want to admit it." I said getting up and walking upstairs.
Amanda's POV:
I continued running as the cold air froze the tears on my face. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I looked around and I was standing in the middle of a field in a park. I sat down looking around. Letting the last of my tears fall out. I just huffed and puffed trying to clear my thoughts. I finally regained my energy and stood up and walked over to a swing set. I parked myself in a swing and just sat their thinking. You let a single tear fall down your face. Then you felt someone's hands on your shoulders. "Chanyeol please leave I'm not in the mood for a lecture." You turned your head slightly and saw a tall lean man with a black mask that covered the lower half of is face. I instantly got up and tryed to run, but the mans grip on me was to strong.
" Amanda" you hear the man say in a deep menacing voice. After that you saw the mysterious man fall to the floor and saw Kai next to you.
Kais POV:
I was running with sehun to find Amanda
"I'll go check by the park you go to the field." Sehun said before taking off. I started running to the field and saw a girl on the swings I started jogging to her relieved to see her unharmed. I looked closer and I saw a man stand behind her. I started to full on sprint. The man put his hands on Amanda shoulders before I punched him in the face making him fall and run.
"Kai?" Amanda said.
"Come on let's go home." I said as I texted the other members saying I found her.
Amanda's POV:
Me and Kai started walking back home. The man looked strangely familiar. Like... Like my dad. No that's not possible he died years ago.....

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