Chapter 6: The Pick Up

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We were pulling out of the drive way. Baekyhun was driving because I didn't know how to get to the center they were preforming at.
"BAEK! You're still not dressed!" I say looking at him in sweatpants and a wife beater.
" OH SH~ I gotta change! I have clothes in my backpack. I can change while you drive."
"But I don't know how to get there!" I argued.
"It's ok just go up this long road. I should be done by then."
"O-ok." I answered unsure. Baekyhun then pulled the car over and you two switched positions. I took the wheel. I started driving up the road Baekyhun told you to go up. Baek just started taking off his shoes when I took a left turn, away from the road he told me to go on.
"Amanda?!? What are you doing?!" He asked worried.
"Picking up Annabelle!" I said back.
"Annabelle? Annabelle? WHO THE HELL IS ANNABELLE??!?" He asked shouting.
"My best friend and we are taking her with us." I stated.
"What? No, we aren't!! I don't care who this 'Annabelle' is!" He replied with a touch of sass.
"Annabelle is like a sister to me and the only person that I have who cares about me. She's coming with us rather you like it or not." I said with a harsh tone. 'not the only person' Baekyhun thought.
"Fine, she'll come." He sighed. I pulled up in front of her house.
"Baek, go get her." I said pointing to her door.
"WHAT?!? WHY ME?" He asked in shock.
"Just go!" I shouted back lightly slapping him on the arm.
"Fine," he mumbled. 'The things I do for you.' He thought and rolled his eyes. He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned into you. He surprised you by kissing your temple and saying, "Don't leave me, I'll be right back." You waited in the car as Baek went and knocked at Annabelle's door.
Baekyhuns POV:
I stepped out of the car and ran up to this so called "Annabelle" person. I rang the doorbell and the door opens seconds later.
"BAEKHY~!" I covered her mouth before she could say more. 'just like Amanda' I thought and laughed to myself.
"Come with me." He said with a strait face.
"O-ok" Annabelle said. Annabelle follows me to the car.
Annabelles POV:
I was heading to my room when I heard the doorbell, I opened the door without looking through the peephole and opened the door to find Baekyhun EXO's main vocalist.
" BAEKHY~" I said befor he covered my mouth with his hand and asked me to follow him. I obeyed him and follows him to a car.
"AMANDA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! WAIT BAEKHYUN! WAIT! WHAT? ARE YOU 2 A THING?!?!" I yelled at both of them. Amanda started to blush and Baek said
"I don't know Amanda, are we?" He said with a grin. I started laughing as Amanda slapped Baekyhun.
Amanda's POV:
It was really quiet after that. All we could hear was the engine and other cars passing by. We made it to the end of the road and I didn't know where to go.
"Umm Baek can you hurry up?! We're at the end of the road and I don't know where to go!" I said getting worried.
"Just make a left then 2 rights and get of the freeway." He said calmly.
"Ok but dude, you've only changed you socks and shoes!!! You're like a freakin turtle!" I said frustrated.
"Hey! It ain't my fault I don't feel comfortable changing with 2 girls in the car!"
"You're an idol! You probably have so many photo shoots with girls staring at you topless and girls changing you, so who cares?!" Annabelle said.
"For your information, Ms. 'Annabelle' I have photo shoots with my shirt ON and I change myself, I'm not 5" Baek snickered." And I don't feel comfortable with girls staring at me shirtless because of my..."
"Your what?" Annabelle sassed back.
"My Nutella abs!! Ok?!" He yelled. I just laughed.
"Just hurry up and change, yah doofus!" I said laughing. Baekyhun lifted his shirt off and couldn't find his other shirt. I tried to stay focused on the road but I was changing lanes and caught a glimpse of his abs. And, MAN were they defined. I stared at him and his topless glory before noticing the car starts to swerve.
"SORRY! SORRY! And he's not my boyfriend!" I glared back.
"Not yet" Baekyhun whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.
"OOOOOOO SEE AMANDA? I TOLD YOU!!!!!" Annabelle points and bouncing like a little girl.
"Shut up! Go back to drooling over Chanyeol." I said and rolled my eyes.
" HEY! AT LEAST I'M NOT LIKE YOU!!! You're like 'Baekyhun this, Baekyhun that, OMG Baekyhun! Did you see Baekyhun do this? And Baekyhun did that? Baekyhun, Baekyhun, Baekyhun! Not to mention your shrine of him in your closet!" She yelled back. I started blushing massively.
"There's more of me in her room?!" Baekyhun asks laughing his butt off.
"So your bias is Chanyeol?" I heard Baekyhun say to Annabelle.
"Yeah..." Annabelle replied back.
"Good to know" Baekyhun grinned and finished changing.
"OK NOW TAKE THE WHEEL BAEK!!! Jeez finally!" I said pulling over so I could switch places. Annabelle wanted to sit in the front, so I let her while I take the back seat. I really didn't mind it anyways. I started to drift off when I started to hear Annabelle and Baekyhun laughing together. Baekyhun just kept smiling and whispering things in Annabelle's ear. I decided to end whatever was going on between them and I texted Annabelle:

Hey stop flirting with Baek he's my bias not yours! -Amanda

Few mins later I get a reply from her saying...

Sorry he's just so adorable and funny. - Annabelle

I know that's why he's my bias now STOP FLIRTING WITH HIM he's my bias!!- Amanda

She didn't respond back but I see her whispering to Baekyhun and showing him something on her phone. I looked closer and realized it was the texts I sent her!
"Well, you aren't good at showing emotions so I'm letting your boyfriend know how you feel about him." She replied with a smirk.
"ANNABELLE I DON'T LIKE BAEKYHUN LIKE THAT! He's my bias but I would never date him!" I say forgetting Baekhyun's in the car.
"Hey! I'm right hear you know!" Baekyhun said.
"Oh sorry Baek."
"It's ok, Jagiya" he said with a smirk.
"I am NOT your Jagiya and I don't WANT to be!" I said firmly. A few minutes passed and we were almost at the center they were preforming at. When we arrived, Baekyhun and I ran to the back stage with Annabelle following. I started to get Baekhyun in and ready to go on stage as his performance starts in 2 minutes.
"Hey, what am I gonna do?" Annabelle asked. Baekyhun looked around.
"You said your bias is Chanyeol, right?" Baekyhun asked.
"Yeah so?" She replied. Baekyhun ran for a minutes and grabbed Chanyeol's wrist.
Chanyeols POV:
I was sitting down after just finishing my part of the performance when Baekyhun came running in.
"Hey Baek you're supposed to be on stage!" I said as he just pulled my wrist. "Where are you taking me?" I asked confused.
"Annabelle, Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Annabelle. You are her bias, so be nice to her." Baekyhun said making my checks turn a shade of pink. "I gotta preform so get to know each other, become friends, have fun!! But not too much fun," he said running on the stage as the fans cheers increased in volume.

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