Chapter 34: Lies

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~next morning~
Amanda's POV:
I woke up to a loud bang coming from downstairs. I thought it was Chanyeol or Annabelle dropping something so I tryed to go back to sleep. A few minutes later the door flys open.
"Chanyeol go away I'm not in the mood for another lecture."  I said sitting up. My eyes widened seeing Baekhyun in front of me.
"Baek i thought I told you to get out, we're done!" I yelled trying to hold back tears. I saw him look around. 'Oh shit!' I thought. There were boxes of tissues around and tissues scattered everywhere. My eyes were red and puffy and my cheeks were stained with my tears. I look down and see me still holding the picture of me and Baekhyun at the bubble tea shop. 'Oh no I fell asleep holding the picture' I thought trying to hide it under the covers.
"Amanda, why did you break up with me?" He asked sternly.
"I told you I don't love you anymore. " I said tears threatening to fall.
"BULLSH*T tell me why you broke up with me!" He commanded this time.
"I-I told you I-" I started.
"You what? You don't love me? Then why are you crying holding our picture?" 'Damn it he saw it' I thought.
"I was in the middle of changing the picture out and I was crying because of a show I was watching."
I said pointing to the tv. 'Damn it' it's on freakin animal planet...
"You crying over snakes?" He said raising a brow.
"Yes they're very scar~" I started then I felt his lips on mine. I missed his touch and his arms hugging me ever since he left that day. I felt the grin on his face when I replied to the kiss. 'Amanda what are you doing stay together!' I thought. I pushed him off and said.
"Baekhyun stop right now!" I said. Getting up. He looked at me hurt.
"Just tell me why you broke up with me."  He said grabbing my hand. I pulled back and said.
"I don't~" I got cut off.
"No tell me the real reason because your actions are saying your upset about the break up. Tell me the truth." He said.
"I-I can't!" I said.
"Why not?" He asked his voice getting softer.
"I just can't please leave! I don't love you anymore Baekhyun!" I said bursting into tears. He ran to me and hugged me. I didn't return the hug but I didn't push him off. I just stood their crying. The home phone started ringing and no one made a move to get it. It finally went to voice mail....
"Hey I just wanted to check up on you you didn't answer my calls or text and your probably sleeping..."

Baekhyun hearing Chanyeols voice made him pull back and stairs surprised.

"Anyways I hope you've stopped crying over Baekhyun cuz honestly it makes you look like a zombie" Chanyeol laughed and his voice turned more serious and continued, "anyways...take my advice and tell Baekhyun that you lied about not loving him!!"

Oh god

"Anyways I hope you feel better! I got to go I'll come visit later. Think about telling him your leaving ok Pabo!" He laughed and hanged up.

Oh shit... I turned to look at baekyhun and immediately avoided his gaze.
"What did Chanyeol mean about you lied about not loving me?" He asked his voice only getting softer but I knew the softer his voice becomes the more dangerous he is and his voice was bearly at a whisper. I only continued looking down. "And your leaving?" I looked down and just ignored his questions and fell to my knees crying. He came over to me and carried me to the bed. "D-do you love me?" He asked after a moment of silence. I could see it in his eyes though. The fear of me saying I didn't love him, that I've actually moved on. A minuet later I replied.
"Byun Baekhyun I will always love you." He sighed in relief and asked. "Then why are you leaving me." He asked hurt. I couldn't help it I had to tell him.
"The truth is..... A few months ago I applied for a 2 year corse medical school. I would go to Europe and study for 2 years. I didn't think I would get excepted. But last week I got a call saying I got in. I didn't know how to tell you. I thought you would think I was leaving you and I didn't know if we could keep a long distance I ended it thinking it was for what's best." I said looking down.
"Amanda I would always support what you choose to do. I think it's amazing that you want to become a doctor!! Even though if it's all the way in Europe if it's what you want I will support you!" He said hugging me. All I could do was cry. I was relieved that Baekhyun knew.
"When do you leave?" He asked.
"2 weeks..." I said quietly.
"2 WEEKS!!?!? What are we doing sitting around come on we need to make these 2 weeks the best weeks of your life!!!!!" Baekyhun said jumping up like a little puppy.
"B-but I look ugly right now." I said laughing.
"Your never ugly. In my eyes your beautiful no matter what." He said kissing my cheek. I stood up and gave him a huge hug.
"I love you byun Baekhyun." I said squeezing him tighter.
"I love you too Amanda."

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