Thank You!!!

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Hello my loves! How are all of you doing!!! Ah, I can't believe this is finally the end! I feel sad but proud that it is over.

This series has been my life and work for about two years and I hope it lived up to your expectations. I do apologize for it not being as long as the others though.

Thank you so much for your support and love, no words can describe how beautiful it feels to have all of you by my side. You are all incredible and I love you dearly but no fear, this is not the end of my writing :) Now that this series is over, it now gives me the chance to place my full focus on my story called Enticing. If you have not checked it out please do, I am so excited for it to unfold.

Now my goal for Enticing is for it to be like nothing I have written before, more mature and descriptive. A lot of parts of the book will be very detailed so fair warning that it will be triggering, there will be violence, abuse and typically any therapy and emotions a person has to deal with through the mix of all of that. However, even though it may seem a bit dark it is also a love story, my other goal is to make it a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet so there will be gun violence and thrillers. I have no idea if you guys like this idea, if you don't that is okay, do feel free to not read it and don't worry that will t make me love you any less. I, however, am going to write it because for some odd reason I feel very passionate about like it's as if something is calling to me and begging me to haha, sounds weird but true.

Anyways, if you do like this study idea please move on over and add it to your library....maybe give it a few comments? ;) It's a bit slow at first but I promise it will build up.

You guys have been my reason to wake up each day, my reason to feel like I'm working towards something. Thank you for each bite, comment and message you guys have sent to me. However, most importantly thank you for accepting me as a person, thank you!

Now as a little treat I made two small video edits of Harry and Elizabeth so you will have to go to my Twitter to see them. Love you all and please know that I am here for any of you at anytime. Message me and I'll reply as soon as I can. We can talk about boys, movies, insecurities, anything you like.

Love you always and forever!!!!! God bless! Xoxo

Twitter: stylesx_angel
Instagram: stylesx_angel

Through the Enlightenment (Harry Styles)[Bk.3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora