73. Catharic Laughter

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Elizabeth's POV

"Misty!" I beam as soon as I saw the lads a few feet away on the grass, sitting on a few picnic blankets.

"Misty, baby!" I call out again and she stands from sitting by Niall and comes running towards us.

"Hey beautiful girl," I smile crouching down as she came in front of me. She barked and licked my face, wagging her tail back and forth. She moves away from me turning around in a circle letting out another bark before moving over to Harry.


I stand and glance up seeing Chloe coming towards me before wrapping her arms around me.

"Happy Birthday!" She says hugging me tightly.

"Thank you." I smile as she pulled away. "It's so good to see you."

As we walk over to the lads, Eleanor and Perrie immediately stand up as we approached them.

"Oh my gosh! Look at your hair!" Perrie exclaims, smiling widely at me.

"Happy Birthday!" Eleanor says giving me a hug.

Finally after everyone has said hello to us and happy birthday wishes, Harry and I sat down and joined the group. Misty laid down by my feet, her paw resting on my ankle. I smile leaning down to run my hand down the top of her head.

"Where's Liam and Sophia?" I ask, looking up at Niall. Chloe was laying down by his side with her head in his lap and the scene makes my smile widen.

"They'll be here soon."

"Hey Harry, do you want to play football?" Louis asks. I turn my head seeing him standing, holding a up the football in his hands.

"Sure." Harry replies before inclining his head, pressing a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll be right back." He mutters before releasing his arms from around me and following Louis out on the field a few feet away.

"So where exactly is this place that we are going tonight?"

After about twenty minutes later, Harry and Louis come back to join us. Harry sits down beside me reaching over to pat Misty's head, who was deep in slumber by Zayn's feet.

"Oh, look there's Liam." Niall says with a smile gesturing behind me with his chin. I turn my head and see Liam approaching us with Sophia by his side, who was carefully carrying a cake in her hands. I smile as Liam began to sing and everyone started to join in.

"...Happy birthday dear, Elizabeth! Happy birthday to you!"

"Make a wish babe!" Sophia says after kneeling down beside me, placing a chocolate covered cake with pink frosting down in front of me; a pink, twenty-two candle lit up at the top.

I cross my legs beneath me before holding my hair back with my hands and lean in blowing the candle out. Everyone cheered and clapped as I did so. I blush and keep my gaze down at the cake, my mouth watering at how delicious it looked.

"What kind of cake is it?" I ask, looking at Sophia then at Liam who moved to sit down beside her.

"Chocolate fudge." Liam replies with a sweet smile.

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